Friday, August 31, 2007

Profollica Hair Growth System

Are your hair thinning or simply just losing your hair? Tired of trying those off shelf hair growth treatment that doesn't work. But, I guess you just can't give up.

A new Hair Growth System that really does its job is now in town. Enter Profollica, an effective hair growth treatment that does it job and does it well. Unlike any other hair growth system which contains toxic component, Profollica only contains all natural ingredients. Profollica uses a revolutionary three component system that unclogged and revitalizes your hair scalp paving a way for healthy growing hair.

To know more about Profollica or if you want to give it a try just click here or the image banner below.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Secret Vitamin Weapon Against Depression?

By Stephen P Smith

Vitamin B12, occasionally also known as cobalamin, is one of the most important and most intensively studied of the B complex vitamins. This group of vitamins is known as the B complex because of their biochemical similarity and because of their close interaction and interdependence in the performance of their numerous vital functions. So the B complex vitamins are commonly found together in various common food sources and, each being water soluble, will also be excreted together from the body. A deficiency in one of the complex is therefore almost always accompanied by a corresponding deficiency in each of the others.

But all of that said, the consequences of a deficiency are different in the case of each individual vitamin, and deficiencies of B12 are particularly associated with cardiovascular disease, a type of anaemia, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, and depression.

Vitamin B12 is required for the body's manufacture of the essential amino acid, methionine and its associated enzyme, methionine synthase, an inadequate supply of which may lead to an excess of homocysteine, a naturally occuring protein within the body, which is well known to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

But it is also now known that sufferers from Alzheimer's disease are often found to have low levels of vitamin B12 in their blood as well as the raised levels of homocysteine which are also associated with more common vascular dementias. In fact a number of studies have suggested that low B12 and high homocysteine levels may as much as double the risk of Alzheimer's.

Although conventional medicine remains reluctant to accept any causal link, it might well seem to the "intelligent layman" who takes an interest in these matters that such a link is more likely than not. And this is particularly so when it is remembered that vitamin B12 deficiency leads to a reduction in the synthesis of methionine, which is known to be essential for the methylation reactions which are in turn vital for the health of nerve cells and neurotransmitters.

Research has also noted a strong associative link between vitamin B12 deficiency and depression, that widespread and disabling, but still poorly understood and defined condition. In fact different studies have suggested that up to 30% of patients with depression severe enough to require hospital admission may be deficient in vitamin B12, and that elderly people found to be deficient in the vitamin are twice as likely to suffer severe depression as those with normal blood levels.

Again the conventional "wisdom" prefers to regard these findings as an observational association rather than evidence of a causal link. But it has been argued that such a link may be due to B12's acknowledged role in the synthesis of methionine and its associated enzymes, which are vital for the effective performance of certain neurotransmitters whose absence is known to be a factor in depression.

Evidently Alzheimer's disease, dementia and depression are all conditions which become more common and more severe with advancing age, so perhaps it should be no surprise that deficiencies of vitamin B12 are also much more frequent in the elderly population. In fact as many as 10 -15% of the over 60s may be severely deficient, but a far higher proportion than this are likely to fall below the threshold required for optimum protection against these justifiably dreaded diseases.

However, these deficiencies are unlikely to be caused by an inadequate dietary supply. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin B12 is only 2.4 mcg a day, an amount which should be readily obtainable, except perhaps for those following a strict vegetarian regime, given that a single 3 oz serving of fish or red meat may provide this quantity. For those with a taste for it, sea food may provide a great deal more, and chicken, turkey, eggs, milk and cheese are also useful, though less lavish, sources.

But good absorption of vitamin B12 from food is heavily dependent on the normal stomach acid and digestive enzymes, the quantity and effectiveness of which decreases substantially as the body ages, and on the presence in the stomach of a specialised protein known as Intrinsic Factor. The correct action of Intrinsic Factor requires the presence of adequate calcium in the body, another nutrient in which the elderly are of course notoriously likely to be deficient.

Absorption of B12 from supplements is much less problematic, however, because stomach acid and digestive enzymes are not required to release the vitamin from its protein bindings. So this is a rare case in which even conventional medical "wisdom" recognises the value of supplementation, at any rate for the over 50s.

So given that relatively small amounts of these vitamins are required by the body, and that no toxicities or adverse side effects have been reported, there really seems no reason to run the risk of a deficiency.

Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in direct marketing and with a particular interest in health products. Find out more at

Friday, August 17, 2007


When it comes to the subject of weight loss, the innovation of certain products can make or break you. There is always the recommendation of exercise and proper diet but you can also put these methods into becoming more effective with the use of SuperSlim pills.

This type of pill can be compared with hypnosis, but this simply gives you the opportunity to achieve the idea of weight loss effectively. This organic appetite suppressant supplement assists an existing diet and exercise program to fully give out the desired result. Medical and herbal terms aside, this supplement “tricks” the brain to actually experience fullness and, thus, reducing the brain activity of chemicals that boosts both cravings and appetite. With this, the body turns to the stored fats that we don’t really need and use it as a source of energy, thus, releasing these unwanted fats as we sweat when we do something like exercise. The SuperSlim organic supplement is particularly functional when it comes to the idea of losing a large total of weight as well as the incapability to “resist” the food or meal intake by large portions, which can always be a problem especially when you are overweight.

Remember, you don’t need all the time in the world to lose, all you need is plenty of exercise, proper diet and the inclusion of SuperSlim supplements into your daily food intake.

Also, try out our other line of products; the SuperSlim Thermogenic, Organic Health and NuLiver.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Discover The Amazing Health Benefits Of Bee Pollen

What's the buzz about the health benefits of bee pollen?

Produced by flowering plants, pollen granules stick to the bees' legs and other parts as they go about their business of gathering nectar and are collected from bees as they enter the hive. For centuries, China recognized the health benefits of bee pollen and used it as a natural medicine and as a general tonic.

Sometimes referred to as "nature's superfood" or "nature's perfect food," bee pollen contains all of the nutrients needed to sustain life. In fact, bee pollen is jam-packed with energizing nutrition. It is rich in vitamins and contains almost all known minerals, trace elements, enzymes, and amino acids. More specifically, it contains 35% protein, 55% carbohydrates, 2% fatty acids, and 3% minerals and vitamins. It has been noted to have a high concentration of vitamins A, C, D, and E, and it is extraordinary rich in the B-complex vitamins. In addition, bee pollen has flavonoid constituents that have antioxidant properties, primarily rutin, quercetin, myricetin, and trans-cinnamic acid. However, bee pollen's composition may vary depending on plant sources and geographic region.

So, how can the heath benefits of bee pollen benefit you?

Bee pollen is often touted as an energy booster as well as one that can increase vitality due to its B vitamin content. The B complex vitamins are well renowned for their ability to help combat stress and boost energy levels. In fact, some experts refer to the B vitamins as the stress or energy vitamins.

Bee pollen is also used to boost immunity and, as such, people who are susceptible to colds or upper respiratory tract infections may find bee pollen helpful.

The health benefits of bee pollen may be of interest to anyone detoxifying. Why? Because bee pollen is so rich in nutrients and when you detoxify you reduce the intake of foods that normally keep your immune system in good running condition.

Bee pollen is a popular supplement among athletes, which is often used for endurance, strength, stamina, and mental clarity. Most importantly, many report that bee pollen helps them train hard, recover quickly, and helps increase stamina.

In recent years, Chinese researchers indicated that bee pollen inhibits benign prostate overgrowth, slows the aging process, and lowers cholesterol and other lipids. This indication came from reported results of animal studies.

According to the well renowned tome "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," written by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, who states:

"Like other bee products, bee pollen as an antimicrobial effect. In addition, it is useful for combating fatigue, depression, cancer, and colon disorders. It is also helpful for people with allergies because it strengthens the immune system." (Third Edition: Page 64.)

Phyllis A. Balch has been a leading nutritional consultant for more than two decades.

In addition to the aforementioned health benefits of bee pollen, is that it contains lecithin. Lecithin is a substance that helps flush fat from the body and it stimulates the metabolic processes and, as such, it increases the speed at which calories are burned. Therefore, bee pollen may possibly be helpful as a weight-loss aid.

Precautions And Side Effects Of Bee Pollen Supplements

Bee pollen tends to be a very safe supplement with no serious side effects. However, those who are allergic to bee stings should not use bee pollen or any other supplements derived from bees because it could cause an allergic reaction. Allergic reaction signals include wheezing, headache, itchy throat, hives, or skin flushing. One should discontinue use immediately if these symptoms develop.

If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your health care professional before using bee pollen.

Nutritional-Supplement-Educational-Centre's Opinion On The Health Benefits of Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is certainly a superstar with its rich energizing nutrition content and, as such, it's a good source for promoting vibrant health and for health maintenance such as correcting deficient or unbalanced nutrition.

Unfortunately, there is insufficient clinical research to suggest that bee pollen is an effective supplement for many health conditions.

On the other hand, there are numerous studies and clinical trails that strongly suggest that many of its benefits may be a "wee" bit more than just anecdotal. Most studies on bee pollen have been done in China and Europe.

How to reap the health benefits of bee pollen...

Buyer beware that not all bee pollen products are created equal and some, if not many have been found tainted with contaminates from air pollution (pesticides, herbicides) and large amounts of lead. Therefore, for tips on how to a quality pure bee pollen supplement, please click on the link below.

Cindy Amorin is the chief editor of an information-rich site that discusses nutritional, dietary, and herbal supplements and their potential therapeutic value.

For tips on how to buy a quality pure bee pollen supplement meet us on the web by clicking here: The health benefits of bee pollen.

Article Source:

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Discover The List Of Reasons To Take A Multivitamin Supplement

By Cindy Amorin

Many people everyday power up their computers in search for a list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement. However, before we delve into the reasons, let's provide you with a few examples on just how complex and complicated nutritional biochemistry is so that you can make an informed decision about the list of reasons to take a multivitamin.

Do you know that zinc will not function without vitamin B6, nor can some enzymes be made without it?

Here are a couple more examples to show you how complicated nutritional biochemistry is, both selenium and magnesium need vitamin B6 in order to function correctly and selenium is the synergist for vitamin E, meaning if you're taking a vitamin E supplement but you are selenium-deficient, you will not reap the full benefits from vitamin E.

Bottom Line

No nutrient is an island unto itself and, as such, every nutrient requires other nutrients as cofactors, either for activation or function from each of the nutrient categories vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. For activation, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids require enzymes, and for function, essential fatty acid also required.

Now that we have explained just how complex and complicated nutritional biochemistry is, the list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement will make more sense to you.

One of the most powerful arguments among experts is whether or not supplements are really necessary if you eat a healthy diet. While the arguments continue in the 21st century chronic illness and disease are skyrocketing even among the youngest of children. Indeed, we are all aware that diets that mainly consist of junk foods are main contributors to ill health. However, there are other challenges we are faced with in regards to good nutrition and obtaining optimal health.

So, can you get all the nutrients you need simply by eating a healthy diet? Quite honestly many experts say no and their reasons are multifaceted, but put simply we live in the modern civilized world.

In the good old days, our ancestors lived in pristine conditions and were given all the necessary components needed to maintain good health. Water came from natural sources and it was clean and pure. It also contained certain minerals, and those minerals served an essential purpose in promoting good health. Back then the air was fresh and clean, the skies were bright and clear, and food was rich in nutrients.

In fact, if we step back to just 100 years ago we would discover that most foods were grown and raised on small farms. Farmers rotated their crops regularly to avoid soil exhaustion and to maintain rich and healthy soil. Healthy rotated soil meant the best harvest. Livestock were allowed the freedom roam and graze at will on nutrient rich foods and, as such, food prepared from this livestock was hardy and nutritious. Indeed, back then, they did not need a list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement because they didn't need to supplement their diets.

So, what happened? Here's the list of reasons to take a multivitamin.

First, let's take a look at our soil since then. According to the 1992 Earth Summit Soil Mineral Depletion Analysis, the United States has the worst soil in the world – 85% mineral depleted. Minerals are naturally occurring elements found in earth. Minerals are also present in plants and animals, but they are imported. Plants get minerals from soil and animals get minerals by eating plants. This means that our foods have declined in nutritional value to help us to sustain optimum health.

Second, we now live in a highly toxic environment. Our research indicates that there is an estimated seven billion pounds of toxins and chemical agents added to our water, air and food each year. In fact, our bodies now contain between 300-500 known toxins in our tissues that were not found in humans prior to 1940. Toxins in our homes are said to be 5 times higher than those outdoors and 3-5 times more dangerous. There inescapable…there everywhere even in places as remote as the North Pole where Santa lives. This is due to the nature of wind, rain, and weather.

But wait, there's more on the list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement.

Third, our modern day diet is depriving us of even more essential nutrients. In the good old days there were no additives, preservatives, processed, refined, or prepackaged foods. Man had to hunt and gather food since there were no grocery stores. There were no white bread bushes or donut trees. There were no drive-through windows or canned, cooked, dried or packed in heavy sugar syrup fruits and veggies. Man did not have the option to pull French fries out of the ground and kick back with a soft drink. Back then man consumed food that was natural, fresh and highly nutritious.

Fourth, commercial farming which consist of pesticides, insecticides, and chemical fertilizers comes with a price. The cost is the loss of nutritional value of our crops. Moreover, mass production of fruits and vegetables has robbed us of even more essential nutrients because premature harvesting does not allow them to reach their natural peak of nutrition. Foods are often picked before they are ripe and allowed to ripen in transit.

Here's food for thought on just how much our fruits and veggies have declined in nutritional value. In fact, the below example will give you a clearer picture in regards to the list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement.

Two peaches back in 1951 would have provided the current RDA requirements of vitamin A for adult women. Today, a woman would have to consume almost 53 peaches to meet her daily requirements of vitamin A.

Sad, isn't it!

But wait, there's even more on the list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement.

Fifth, trace levels of pharmaceutical drugs are now present in our surface water, groundwater, drinking water and sewage. Studies have shown some 50 to 90 percent of ingested pharmaceutical drugs are not metabolized, and leave the body in urine and feces and enter the sewage system. Moreover, hospitals and nursing homes routinely dispose of "vast quantities" of unused pharmaceuticals. According to our research the ultimate effects of these numerous pharmaceutical drugs that we drink in minute amounts daily are yet unknown.

Yet, even more on the list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement.

Sixth, stress, whether psychological or physical or due to injury or illness, depletes the body of vital nutrients. Indeed, another important factor in regards to the list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement.

Seventh, many prescription and even non-prescription drugs can interact with nutrients and, over time, can cause nutrient depletion.

Eighth, heat destroys many valuable nutrients in foods. This is why many experts recommend eating a diet high in raw foods whenever appropriate.

Lastly, we are all aware of the health effects air pollutants have on the human body as it too contributes to ill health. In fact, medical research has established that environmental chemicals contribute to degenerative diseases.

While we have not exhausted the list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement, the aforementioned list gives you excellent clues on supplemental necessity.

It's important to remember that human body was actually designed to defend, heal, and protect itself from harmful threats when given the proper tools, which is good nutrition.

Indeed, when given these harsh challenges many experts feel that you cannot depend on food alone to provide you with all of the nutrition you need for optimal health. This is why health conscious enthusiast advises everyone to take nutritional supplements.

In fact, most physicians today recommend, at the very least, a high quality multivitamin and mineral supplement. However, figuring out what supplement to take for optimal health is a lot like buying major health insurance or trying to make sense of all the medical charges after a major surgery -- confusing and complicated. It does help if you familiarize yourself with the functions of nutrients.

While nutritional supplements can fill in the gaps it is not an adequate substitute for a good diet. In other words, supplements can enhance a healthy diet and are not a substitute for it.

Keep in mind that not all multivitamins are created equal and nowadays there are nutraceutical companies that produce multi nutrient supplements that go far and beyond the basic multivitamin and mineral product. For example, the product may include special antioxidant nutrients such as green tea extract that are much more powerful than vitamins C and E, and it may also include many other natural nutrients that promote a host of healthful benefits that simply will not be found in a low end basic multivitamin and mineral supplement.

We hope this list of reasons to take a multivitamin supplement was useful to you.

Cindy Amorin is the chief editor of, an information-rich site that discusses nutritional, dietary, and herbal supplements and their potential therapeutic value. She is the editor of vitamin and mineral supplements a section of Nutritional-Supplement-Educational-Centre discussing recommendations as to what to look for in an ideal multivitamin and mineral supplement.

For those of you interested in learning how to buy a quality multivitamin supplement, visit us on the web at our best multivitamin web page.

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