By Nick Kershaw
Using antioxidant supplements can provide your bodies with a heightened ability to produce the substances required to combat free radicals, which are by products of the oxidation process in your body's cellular makeup that can cause damage to your health. Where can we derive the necessary intake of antioxidants to help make this ability as effective and powerful as possible? These are mainly from your everyday consumption of foods like fruits, vegetables and certain meats. Or you can depend on antioxidant supplements to provide an additional input or simply to have what you cannot get as a result of an unbalanced diet or busy lifestyle.
To get maximum benefits from using antioxidant supplements, you should ensure that steps taken to reduce the production of free radicals are part of your lifestyle, to provide a balanced two pronged attack on free radical damage. Avoid unhealthy food and habits such as smoking, which will increase the level of oxidation in your body. While it is difficult to avoid stress in modern society, try to partake in activities that would lessen or reduce your stress levels, such as going for entertainment events like concerts and movies, and meeting friends for a meal. By leading a better and healthier lifestyle, together with the use of supplementation to provide optimum levels of antioxidants, you can improve your chances of avoiding diseases such as cancer, heart disease, eczema and high blood pressure.
What type of such supplements should you take to improve the production and levels of antioxidants in your body? Apart from the multi-vitamin and mineral packs which include essentials such as Vitamin C, A, E, zinc and carotenoids, you can also try other antioxidant supplements such as grape seed extract, flaxseed oil or even depend on a common beverage that provides one of the highest concentration of antioxidants available in any food - green tea. Furthermore, the latter is a natural product and should eradicate any fears that you might have of depending on supplements for a better health.
Nick Kershaw has spent the last 10 years researching exercise and nutritional science, resulting in wide and varied knowledge of supplements. He has studied various antioxidant supplements in the treatment and use against diseases and illnesses, including within the areas of anti-aging, cancer and heart disease. Learn more about antioxidant supplements and other supplements beneficial to your health at his exhaustive site on the Best Supplements.
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Are There Side Effects of EPA-DHA Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements?
By Dan Ho
EPA and DHA are just types of omega-3 that are found in fish oil. ALA is the form of omega-3 that is found in plant sources like flaxseed. They are vital to the body. Your body will suffer ill health if you don't get enough. The brain is highly dependent upon DHA, and both of these promote cardiovascular health.
However, side effects of EPA-DHA omega-3 fish oil are still possible. First, omega-3 is a blood thinner. So if you are already taking a blood thinner like aspirin or a prescription drug blood thinner/anticoagulant, taking this on top of that may thin the blood too much, leading to complications.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing about fish oils. One could say it's a bad thing about aspirin or prescription blood thinners just as well. It's simply that a combination of too many things--in this case blood thinners--may pose a problem.
Other side effects of it are possible unpleasant fishy burps after taking them; diarrhea; gastrointestinal upset....things that usually happen if you take too many of any kinds of oils, not just fish oil.
There is also some studies that suggest people with angina should speak with a doctor first before supplementing with fish oil.
Overall, however, the vast majority of people in the Western world are deficient in omega-3's and a EPA-DHA omega-3 fish oil supplement that is molecularly distilled (meaning purified) is one of the best ways to get these vital fats.
For the majority of people, taking a supplement is going to benefit their health far more than potential side effects. Just don't overdo it. Most natural health experts suggest between 2-3 grams of omega-3 per day. A quality fish oil supplement should offer about 1,000mg (1 gram) per capsule and suggest taking 2 capsules a day. The rest of the omega-3's you should get from eating a healthy diet.
Dan Ho is chief editor of - Visit us now to learn more about the EPA and DHA rich fish oil supplements we personally take daily and why we chose this product after extensive research.
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EPA and DHA are just types of omega-3 that are found in fish oil. ALA is the form of omega-3 that is found in plant sources like flaxseed. They are vital to the body. Your body will suffer ill health if you don't get enough. The brain is highly dependent upon DHA, and both of these promote cardiovascular health.
However, side effects of EPA-DHA omega-3 fish oil are still possible. First, omega-3 is a blood thinner. So if you are already taking a blood thinner like aspirin or a prescription drug blood thinner/anticoagulant, taking this on top of that may thin the blood too much, leading to complications.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing about fish oils. One could say it's a bad thing about aspirin or prescription blood thinners just as well. It's simply that a combination of too many things--in this case blood thinners--may pose a problem.
Other side effects of it are possible unpleasant fishy burps after taking them; diarrhea; gastrointestinal upset....things that usually happen if you take too many of any kinds of oils, not just fish oil.
There is also some studies that suggest people with angina should speak with a doctor first before supplementing with fish oil.
Overall, however, the vast majority of people in the Western world are deficient in omega-3's and a EPA-DHA omega-3 fish oil supplement that is molecularly distilled (meaning purified) is one of the best ways to get these vital fats.
For the majority of people, taking a supplement is going to benefit their health far more than potential side effects. Just don't overdo it. Most natural health experts suggest between 2-3 grams of omega-3 per day. A quality fish oil supplement should offer about 1,000mg (1 gram) per capsule and suggest taking 2 capsules a day. The rest of the omega-3's you should get from eating a healthy diet.
Dan Ho is chief editor of - Visit us now to learn more about the EPA and DHA rich fish oil supplements we personally take daily and why we chose this product after extensive research.
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Analyzing The Appetite-Suppressing Qualities Of Authentic Hoodia Gordonii
By Vanessa A. Doctor
While the rest of the western world continues to grapple with its highest obesity rates in modern history, it has been noted that tribesmen in the Southern Africa region have been using a cactus-like plant to effectively stop feeling hungry for centuries. The hoodia plant has been noted to effectively suppress hunger, and delay the time hunger begins to set in again. The plant's extracts have been analyzed in it's purest form, to be potent in fighting hunger pangs.
Apparently the plant's compounds act to somehow trick the brain into thinking they have already had enough to eat. And with many synthetic diet pills sold on the market today, and some don't even have anything to do their manufacturers claims, it's quite surprising that it took the weight loss industry some time to discover this amazing plant, and successfully synthesize its compounds to help fight obesity and reduce appetites.
Some Established Research Has Already Been Done To Analyze Hoodia's Effects
At present, the amount of scientific information on Hoodia Gordonii as a diet pill or weight loss supplement is not that extensive, however many studies are currently underway. With the modern advances in technology, there should be any reason why this information when it becomes available, wouldn't be available to the public right away.
The scientific studies on the plant as an appetite suppressant are currently being done around the world by both small pharmaceutical firms and multinational corporations alike. For many individuals whose health and in some cases lives are at risk because of obesity, they are pinning a lot of promise on the efficacy of Hoodia, and how potent it works as a weight loss supplement.
The Facts Behind The Plant's wonder Compound, P57
It was South Africa's Center For Scientific the Research, or CSIR that isolated the active ingredient which was responsible for the appetite-suppressing qualities, and they called it 'P57', which is the cactus-like plant's extract., and they sold the rights to a British pharmaceutical firm called 'Phytopharm'.
Consumers today may be wondering how there can be there are so many Hoodia products on the market if only the British firm Phytopharm has the rights to the cactus extract. The answer lies in the patent laws. It maybe the case that some pharmaceutical firms are using the natural plant, which is not all patented, and marketing them as the real weight-loss product.
Before buying a specific weight-loss supplement, consumers you should know that there are many kinds of Hoodia plants, but only the Gordonii variety has been analyzed to obtain the astonishing appetite suppressing components. These appetite-reducing properties have been known about for decades by Southern Africa's bushmen, before the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) began conducting a study of native plants eaten by the native tribesmen.
The CSIR study was basically done to see what types of foods the San tribesmen were taking that protected them from toxic compounds. What the South African study team found out, was that found the plant to be non-toxic, and it also possessed the ability to safely suppress the appetites of animals it used to feed to, and in humans too. - Hoodia Store
Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company
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While the rest of the western world continues to grapple with its highest obesity rates in modern history, it has been noted that tribesmen in the Southern Africa region have been using a cactus-like plant to effectively stop feeling hungry for centuries. The hoodia plant has been noted to effectively suppress hunger, and delay the time hunger begins to set in again. The plant's extracts have been analyzed in it's purest form, to be potent in fighting hunger pangs.
Apparently the plant's compounds act to somehow trick the brain into thinking they have already had enough to eat. And with many synthetic diet pills sold on the market today, and some don't even have anything to do their manufacturers claims, it's quite surprising that it took the weight loss industry some time to discover this amazing plant, and successfully synthesize its compounds to help fight obesity and reduce appetites.
Some Established Research Has Already Been Done To Analyze Hoodia's Effects
At present, the amount of scientific information on Hoodia Gordonii as a diet pill or weight loss supplement is not that extensive, however many studies are currently underway. With the modern advances in technology, there should be any reason why this information when it becomes available, wouldn't be available to the public right away.
The scientific studies on the plant as an appetite suppressant are currently being done around the world by both small pharmaceutical firms and multinational corporations alike. For many individuals whose health and in some cases lives are at risk because of obesity, they are pinning a lot of promise on the efficacy of Hoodia, and how potent it works as a weight loss supplement.
The Facts Behind The Plant's wonder Compound, P57
It was South Africa's Center For Scientific the Research, or CSIR that isolated the active ingredient which was responsible for the appetite-suppressing qualities, and they called it 'P57', which is the cactus-like plant's extract., and they sold the rights to a British pharmaceutical firm called 'Phytopharm'.
Consumers today may be wondering how there can be there are so many Hoodia products on the market if only the British firm Phytopharm has the rights to the cactus extract. The answer lies in the patent laws. It maybe the case that some pharmaceutical firms are using the natural plant, which is not all patented, and marketing them as the real weight-loss product.
Before buying a specific weight-loss supplement, consumers you should know that there are many kinds of Hoodia plants, but only the Gordonii variety has been analyzed to obtain the astonishing appetite suppressing components. These appetite-reducing properties have been known about for decades by Southern Africa's bushmen, before the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) began conducting a study of native plants eaten by the native tribesmen.
The CSIR study was basically done to see what types of foods the San tribesmen were taking that protected them from toxic compounds. What the South African study team found out, was that found the plant to be non-toxic, and it also possessed the ability to safely suppress the appetites of animals it used to feed to, and in humans too. - Hoodia Store
Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company
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Mary's Weight Loss Success - How Hoodia Diet Pills Helped Her Lose Weight
By Travis Van Slooten
Over the past few years, there have been advertisements for hoodia diet pills all over the place. You hear how great they are for weight loss, but chances are you really don't know what they actually do or what they're made out of.
Hoodia gordonii is a plant that acts as a natural appetite suppressant. The hoodia plant can be found in parts of South Africa and a few other countries including the United States. While there are many varieties of hoodia, there is only one that suppresses appetite. It is called hoodia gordonii. The promise the plant holds for many dieters can now be found in many different diet supplement products. If you want help with your weight loss, the first step is to learn how hoodia supplements really work.
The main way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. This is normally achieved by exercising and eating right. Companies have come out with products to help people with the diet component of their weight loss program and hoodia diet pills are one of them. While they are helpful, they aren't dieting miracle pills. Instead, they are simply a dieting aid. You still need to do the basics of eating right and exercising.
Dieters have had great success with hoodia supplements. Take Mary, for example, a real dieter who lost over 20 pounds while taking them. She knew what she was supposed to do to lose weight. She exercised and she even did a good job about eating healthy food. Unfortunately, she had a voracious appetite. She couldn't control how much she ate; she always wanted more. While she may have been eating something healthy, she would still eat too much and go over her calorie quota for the day. This posed a problem and made losing weight almost impossible.
Then Mary tried hoodia diet pills. They worked great for her because they were natural appetite suppressants. She began to notice that she didn't need to eat nearly as much food as she once demanded. Now Mary could eat a regularly portioned meal with no effort or angst.
Since every other aspect of Mary's dieting was sound, she soon noticed the pounds melting away. With her appetite suppressed by hoodia, she was seeing progress where there was none before. This was her way of getting the results she needed.
Appetite suppression is important because you can't have effective weight loss if you can't stop eating. So many people have this problem. You can see it based on the larger portions in restaurants. People eat more food now than they ever did before.
Hoodia doesn't help everyone, though. If you don't have a problem with your appetite or the amount of food that you eat because of it, then hoodia diet pills aren't for you. If you are an emotional eater or have other eating disorders, then hoodia will do you no good.
Also keep in mind that not all hoodia supplements are the same. Although they may have hoodia in the name, some may not have any at all. In fact, most sold today are fakes! They are not regulated by the government so the companies selling them have wide latitude in the claims they make.
Authentic hoodia diet pills can play an important role as part of an overall weight loss program as demonstrated by Mary's success story. However, it's important to keep their role in perspective. If you are expecting miracles or effortless weight loss, than don't look to hoodia. It simply doesn't work that way!
Are you struggling with your diet and weight loss efforts? Hoodia diet pills may help. Visit to learn everything you need to know about these popular diet supplements to see if they are right for you!
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Over the past few years, there have been advertisements for hoodia diet pills all over the place. You hear how great they are for weight loss, but chances are you really don't know what they actually do or what they're made out of.
Hoodia gordonii is a plant that acts as a natural appetite suppressant. The hoodia plant can be found in parts of South Africa and a few other countries including the United States. While there are many varieties of hoodia, there is only one that suppresses appetite. It is called hoodia gordonii. The promise the plant holds for many dieters can now be found in many different diet supplement products. If you want help with your weight loss, the first step is to learn how hoodia supplements really work.
The main way to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. This is normally achieved by exercising and eating right. Companies have come out with products to help people with the diet component of their weight loss program and hoodia diet pills are one of them. While they are helpful, they aren't dieting miracle pills. Instead, they are simply a dieting aid. You still need to do the basics of eating right and exercising.
Dieters have had great success with hoodia supplements. Take Mary, for example, a real dieter who lost over 20 pounds while taking them. She knew what she was supposed to do to lose weight. She exercised and she even did a good job about eating healthy food. Unfortunately, she had a voracious appetite. She couldn't control how much she ate; she always wanted more. While she may have been eating something healthy, she would still eat too much and go over her calorie quota for the day. This posed a problem and made losing weight almost impossible.
Then Mary tried hoodia diet pills. They worked great for her because they were natural appetite suppressants. She began to notice that she didn't need to eat nearly as much food as she once demanded. Now Mary could eat a regularly portioned meal with no effort or angst.
Since every other aspect of Mary's dieting was sound, she soon noticed the pounds melting away. With her appetite suppressed by hoodia, she was seeing progress where there was none before. This was her way of getting the results she needed.
Appetite suppression is important because you can't have effective weight loss if you can't stop eating. So many people have this problem. You can see it based on the larger portions in restaurants. People eat more food now than they ever did before.
Hoodia doesn't help everyone, though. If you don't have a problem with your appetite or the amount of food that you eat because of it, then hoodia diet pills aren't for you. If you are an emotional eater or have other eating disorders, then hoodia will do you no good.
Also keep in mind that not all hoodia supplements are the same. Although they may have hoodia in the name, some may not have any at all. In fact, most sold today are fakes! They are not regulated by the government so the companies selling them have wide latitude in the claims they make.
Authentic hoodia diet pills can play an important role as part of an overall weight loss program as demonstrated by Mary's success story. However, it's important to keep their role in perspective. If you are expecting miracles or effortless weight loss, than don't look to hoodia. It simply doesn't work that way!
Are you struggling with your diet and weight loss efforts? Hoodia diet pills may help. Visit to learn everything you need to know about these popular diet supplements to see if they are right for you!
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Whey Protien Allergy is Not Common
By Dr. Steve Tuggle
Although whey protein allergy is not common, it needs to be taken very seriously. Whey is a protein powder that is a by-product of cheese production. The fact that it is derived from cow's milk concerns people with milk allergy and lactose intolerance.
Whey protein is growing in popularity. It is no longer used exclusively by elite bodybuilders. Whey is becoming very popular among people who are trying to lose belly fat or are trying to stabilize their blood sugar. This is because of the advantages of whey protein powder supplements:
* Low fat
* Low calories
* Easy to prepare
* Great tasting
If you are looking to incorporate a lean protein source into your daily diet you should consider whey protein. Always consult with your physician before making changes in your diet. You should also stay well-informed about whey protein and new research about its use.
In addition to whey, milk contains casein. Of these two proteins, whey is much less likely to cause an allergic reaction. There are different forms of whey but the purest form is whey protein isolate. In comparison to another form, whey protein concentrate, the isolate contains very little lactose. The isolate contains 90% and higher levels of protein whereas the concentrate may contain as little as 30% protein.
There are implications to this if you have an intolerance to lactose. You should consult with your physician prior to using a whey protein supplement. You might consider discussing the use of the pure whey protein isolate. It is now possible to find powders with virtually no lactose levels.
Just as there are some very high quality whey protein supplements, there are some low quality ones that should be avoided. To be on the safe side when considering the implementation of a whey protein powder supplement you should look for one that is
* 100% whey protein isolate
* lactose-free
* hypoallergenic
You need to remember that a true whey protein allergy is not simply having digestive problems with whey. Some of the more inferior whey products may be difficult to digest but this is not a whey protein allergy. The high quality products are easily digested.
You should also use whey protein in moderation. Even the high quality products may cause digestive problems if used excessively.
In summary, there are several advantages to incorporating whey protein into your diet. Although whey protein allergy is uncommon, you need to educate yourself and stay informed of all developments on using whey protein supplements.
Dr. Steve Tuggle is the Head Coach at Elite Wellness Coaching and is a practicing endodontist, certified personal trainer (ACE, ACSM), certified wellness coach, life coach, ordained minister, and internet entrepreneur. You can learn more about whey protein and HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT at
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Although whey protein allergy is not common, it needs to be taken very seriously. Whey is a protein powder that is a by-product of cheese production. The fact that it is derived from cow's milk concerns people with milk allergy and lactose intolerance.
Whey protein is growing in popularity. It is no longer used exclusively by elite bodybuilders. Whey is becoming very popular among people who are trying to lose belly fat or are trying to stabilize their blood sugar. This is because of the advantages of whey protein powder supplements:
* Low fat
* Low calories
* Easy to prepare
* Great tasting
If you are looking to incorporate a lean protein source into your daily diet you should consider whey protein. Always consult with your physician before making changes in your diet. You should also stay well-informed about whey protein and new research about its use.
In addition to whey, milk contains casein. Of these two proteins, whey is much less likely to cause an allergic reaction. There are different forms of whey but the purest form is whey protein isolate. In comparison to another form, whey protein concentrate, the isolate contains very little lactose. The isolate contains 90% and higher levels of protein whereas the concentrate may contain as little as 30% protein.
There are implications to this if you have an intolerance to lactose. You should consult with your physician prior to using a whey protein supplement. You might consider discussing the use of the pure whey protein isolate. It is now possible to find powders with virtually no lactose levels.
Just as there are some very high quality whey protein supplements, there are some low quality ones that should be avoided. To be on the safe side when considering the implementation of a whey protein powder supplement you should look for one that is
* 100% whey protein isolate
* lactose-free
* hypoallergenic
You need to remember that a true whey protein allergy is not simply having digestive problems with whey. Some of the more inferior whey products may be difficult to digest but this is not a whey protein allergy. The high quality products are easily digested.
You should also use whey protein in moderation. Even the high quality products may cause digestive problems if used excessively.
In summary, there are several advantages to incorporating whey protein into your diet. Although whey protein allergy is uncommon, you need to educate yourself and stay informed of all developments on using whey protein supplements.
Dr. Steve Tuggle is the Head Coach at Elite Wellness Coaching and is a practicing endodontist, certified personal trainer (ACE, ACSM), certified wellness coach, life coach, ordained minister, and internet entrepreneur. You can learn more about whey protein and HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT at
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The Highest Testosterone Containing Supplements
By Robin Brain
Underneath there are scheduled the supplement designed for bodybuilding so as to give the maximum Testosterone increase from medical study.
Tribulus Terrestris is an herb worn in Ayurvedic medication is identified as puncture vine and have been worn like a testosterone vaccination to boost heights natu¬rally throughout a sole instrument. It arouses leutinizing hormone construction as of the frontal pituitary gland, which turns and arouses testosterone construction. Scientific study has exposed so as to Tribulus be capable of enhancing leutinizing hormone as well as complimentary testosterone heights within vigorous focus next to 72 % and 39 %, respectively. An investigation has revealed that it is the safest supplement. Its dosage is about 700-1450 milligram/day; excellent time to obtain it is in the sunup and 1hr previous to exercises.
ZMA is extremely detailed and sole vitamin with mineral com¬bination. Presently there are definite mineral deposits to comprise an optimistic impact on sporty presentation plus testosterone stages. ZMA is specially comprised of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Zinc is concerned inside act of numerous hormones together with insulin, enlargement hormones, testosterone, as well as estrogen in addition to 201 enzymatic replies. A study in 1996 illustrates to obtain about 30miligram supplemental zinc every day by fit man knowledge reasonable zinc defi¬ciency twofold their testosterone heights within 6months.ZMA can also be joined among HMB supplement to advance its special effects.
Investigate by ZMA carry out on top of power sportsperson illustrate with the intention grouping of, magnesium, B6vitamin and zinc will boost whole and complimentary testosterone heights with 32%. A revision available inside Medicine and Science in sports instruction and keep fit demonstrate too night by night supplementation among ZMA as well enlarged power and muscle. Captivating single dosage of ZMA in relation to 30min earlier than bedtime is suggested. Last but not least Testosterone Booster Supplement is Eurycoma Long folia.
The roots of Eurycoma Long folia known as Tong Kat have been used for take care of tiredness, failure of sexual wants, and powerlessness. Abundance of investigation illustrate that it increase sexual purpose and sexual wants. Numerous individual studies too demonstrate so as to improve testosterone heights during a range of mechanism. The lively ingredient comprises glycosaponins as well as eurypeptide multifarious current individual experimental testing had exposed to Eurycoma goods as of HP element and original LongjaXTM add with IGF-1 heights plus adapt normal testosterone and cortisol heights. The bioactive eurypeptide appear in the direction of improving sex drive and function, in both men and women, by increasing testosterone levels and inhibiting SHBG consequently is additional liberated testosterone remnants inside the blood and pick up universal fitness. Suggested amount of Tong Kat is 110-290 milligram dosages daily.
Read out for Testosterone boosters. Check out ZMA information and tribulus information
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Underneath there are scheduled the supplement designed for bodybuilding so as to give the maximum Testosterone increase from medical study.
Tribulus Terrestris is an herb worn in Ayurvedic medication is identified as puncture vine and have been worn like a testosterone vaccination to boost heights natu¬rally throughout a sole instrument. It arouses leutinizing hormone construction as of the frontal pituitary gland, which turns and arouses testosterone construction. Scientific study has exposed so as to Tribulus be capable of enhancing leutinizing hormone as well as complimentary testosterone heights within vigorous focus next to 72 % and 39 %, respectively. An investigation has revealed that it is the safest supplement. Its dosage is about 700-1450 milligram/day; excellent time to obtain it is in the sunup and 1hr previous to exercises.
ZMA is extremely detailed and sole vitamin with mineral com¬bination. Presently there are definite mineral deposits to comprise an optimistic impact on sporty presentation plus testosterone stages. ZMA is specially comprised of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Zinc is concerned inside act of numerous hormones together with insulin, enlargement hormones, testosterone, as well as estrogen in addition to 201 enzymatic replies. A study in 1996 illustrates to obtain about 30miligram supplemental zinc every day by fit man knowledge reasonable zinc defi¬ciency twofold their testosterone heights within 6months.ZMA can also be joined among HMB supplement to advance its special effects.
Investigate by ZMA carry out on top of power sportsperson illustrate with the intention grouping of, magnesium, B6vitamin and zinc will boost whole and complimentary testosterone heights with 32%. A revision available inside Medicine and Science in sports instruction and keep fit demonstrate too night by night supplementation among ZMA as well enlarged power and muscle. Captivating single dosage of ZMA in relation to 30min earlier than bedtime is suggested. Last but not least Testosterone Booster Supplement is Eurycoma Long folia.
The roots of Eurycoma Long folia known as Tong Kat have been used for take care of tiredness, failure of sexual wants, and powerlessness. Abundance of investigation illustrate that it increase sexual purpose and sexual wants. Numerous individual studies too demonstrate so as to improve testosterone heights during a range of mechanism. The lively ingredient comprises glycosaponins as well as eurypeptide multifarious current individual experimental testing had exposed to Eurycoma goods as of HP element and original LongjaXTM add with IGF-1 heights plus adapt normal testosterone and cortisol heights. The bioactive eurypeptide appear in the direction of improving sex drive and function, in both men and women, by increasing testosterone levels and inhibiting SHBG consequently is additional liberated testosterone remnants inside the blood and pick up universal fitness. Suggested amount of Tong Kat is 110-290 milligram dosages daily.
Read out for Testosterone boosters. Check out ZMA information and tribulus information
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Herbal Supplement - Regulates Ovulation
By Robin Brain
Ovulatory disorder reckon as the leading reason of childlessness amongst females of reproductive era. Methodical investigate point out the necessities to adjust starve and way of life in sort to minor the danger of childlessness. Subsequently once more, if the natural world of childlessness is unstructured, here is numeral of traditions to accurate ovulatory disarray childlessness. Use productiveness aromatic plant and reproductive herbal supplement.
Ovulation is generated through the discharge of LH as well as FSH hormones by means of pituitary gland wherever a grown-up ovarian follicle splits and discharge egg middle during the menstrual rotation in sort to originate the procedure of replica. However it take places so as a female understanding a position of an ovulation because of endocrine disarray known as Polycystic Ovarian disorder, which apparent moreover in occurrence of distorted menstrual rotations or maybe in the deficiency of ovulation for each second. Because of hormonal environment of this circumstance, hormonal blasts medicines for instance Clomid and Repronex are frequently given. Conversely, Because of the connected threat of obtaining Ovarian cancers, a lot of are revolving to normal medication designed for the healing of this disarray. And in spite of the controversy of medicinal practitioners make use of herbal medication, testimony of victorious commencement enclose really been testimony to hold up the efficiency of productiveness herbs and herbal supplements in the reinstatement of reproductive strength. You can find lots of supplement reviews online which will help you a lot to find the accurate one for yourself.
A well-liked productiveness herb is Chaste Tree Berry, an all-purpose feminine energizer recognized for its ability to arouse the construction of progesterone and additional essential hormones. Supplementary productiveness aromatic plant frequently collective with Chaste Tree Berry in a powerful herbal blend or by an herbal supplement formula contain the root of natural Yam, which equally encourage ovulation, a recognized productiveness vaccination, or the Black Cohosh and Korean Ginseng herbs which give support to hormone operation. Females can acquire the similar advantages as of a bottle of herbal add-on, for instance Fertile XX, which has been pre-formulated by homogeneous actions of the above stated powerful herbs.
The primary advantage of a natural supplement method breaks its capability to logically arouse the adrenal organism for the construction of essential hormones related to ovulation plus full time pregnancy. Furthermore, the herbal extracts helps in to accurate hormonal disparity and pick up universal performance by means of the general purpose of ornamental a woman's reproductive fitness.
Read out for Supplement Reviews. Check out Supplement Reviews Blog and Weight Loss Supplements
Article Source:
Ovulatory disorder reckon as the leading reason of childlessness amongst females of reproductive era. Methodical investigate point out the necessities to adjust starve and way of life in sort to minor the danger of childlessness. Subsequently once more, if the natural world of childlessness is unstructured, here is numeral of traditions to accurate ovulatory disarray childlessness. Use productiveness aromatic plant and reproductive herbal supplement.
Ovulation is generated through the discharge of LH as well as FSH hormones by means of pituitary gland wherever a grown-up ovarian follicle splits and discharge egg middle during the menstrual rotation in sort to originate the procedure of replica. However it take places so as a female understanding a position of an ovulation because of endocrine disarray known as Polycystic Ovarian disorder, which apparent moreover in occurrence of distorted menstrual rotations or maybe in the deficiency of ovulation for each second. Because of hormonal environment of this circumstance, hormonal blasts medicines for instance Clomid and Repronex are frequently given. Conversely, Because of the connected threat of obtaining Ovarian cancers, a lot of are revolving to normal medication designed for the healing of this disarray. And in spite of the controversy of medicinal practitioners make use of herbal medication, testimony of victorious commencement enclose really been testimony to hold up the efficiency of productiveness herbs and herbal supplements in the reinstatement of reproductive strength. You can find lots of supplement reviews online which will help you a lot to find the accurate one for yourself.
A well-liked productiveness herb is Chaste Tree Berry, an all-purpose feminine energizer recognized for its ability to arouse the construction of progesterone and additional essential hormones. Supplementary productiveness aromatic plant frequently collective with Chaste Tree Berry in a powerful herbal blend or by an herbal supplement formula contain the root of natural Yam, which equally encourage ovulation, a recognized productiveness vaccination, or the Black Cohosh and Korean Ginseng herbs which give support to hormone operation. Females can acquire the similar advantages as of a bottle of herbal add-on, for instance Fertile XX, which has been pre-formulated by homogeneous actions of the above stated powerful herbs.
The primary advantage of a natural supplement method breaks its capability to logically arouse the adrenal organism for the construction of essential hormones related to ovulation plus full time pregnancy. Furthermore, the herbal extracts helps in to accurate hormonal disparity and pick up universal performance by means of the general purpose of ornamental a woman's reproductive fitness.
Read out for Supplement Reviews. Check out Supplement Reviews Blog and Weight Loss Supplements
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Nutrition Supplements - Why Do People Take Them?
By Julieanne Van Zyl
There are many reasons why people take nutrition supplements. Before I discuss the reasons, I will define nutrition and supplements. Nutrition is a science that examines the relationship between diet and health. The science of nutrition discovered hundreds of years ago that deficiencies in diet, excesses and imbalances in a diet can produce negative impacts on a person's health, and these negative impacts may lead to a number of diseases.
A supplement, in the dietary context, means something taken by people to enhance a diet. Supplements can include vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and other additives. Those who wish to gain muscle mass take bodybuilding supplements.
An example of one supplement is folic acid. All women of childbearing age and especially those who are already pregnant are being recommended by their medical practitioners to take folic acid to prevent birth defects known as neural tube defects. Scientists have established that there are health benefits for adults also, in doses that are not usually achieved by consuming a typical diet.
Research shows that consumption of vitamin and mineral supplements is common in the United States. People report a variety of reasons for taking nutrition supplements, including decreasing their susceptibility to health concerns such as heart attacks, colds, stress, flu and people also take supplements to increase their energy levels. Other reasons for taking supplements are to alleviate the pain from arthritis, to help reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, to reduce cholesterol problems, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, immune disfunction, osteoporosis, obesity, and alzheimers. People also take supplements to reduce their chances of getting cancer, and to help destroy existing cancer cells.
So, science has established that nutrition plays a very important part in our health and well-being. The big question is - can the food we eat supply us with enough nutrients to help ward off disease and illness? There appear to be three different schools of thought in regard to this question.
1. One school of thought is that if we eat lots of different fruit and vegetables, we should get enough nutrients to keep us healthy. In the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is recommended that we should eat five to thirteen servings of fruit and vegetables a day. I don't know anyone who eats that many servings every day, and I don't think there would be many people who do.
A lot of people buy their dinner from take away food shops on their way home from work, and while there are more healthier take away food shops opening up, they still don't have very many fruit and vegetables. In addition, the fruit and vegetables we eat need to be fresh, and to be grown from nutrient rich soil. Because of pollution and toxic chemicals in our environment, the food we eat is not pure these days.
During the last several decades, the nutritional benefits we could get from food have diminished. Years ago, farmers used to rotate crops to improve the quality of the produce, but that doesn't happen now. Even organically grown foods are subject to the same contamination as other foods, unless they are grown in a protected environment.
2. Another school of thought is that specific supplements can be taken after diagnosis of a deficiency in our diet. For example, individuals with signs of a zinc deficiency or iron deficiency, may be recommended to take zinc or iron supplements.
3. The third school of thought is that prevention is better than cure, and it's best to take a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals. In addition to vitamins and minerals, fruits such as açaí, noni, mangosteen, goji and amla, are considered to be nutritionally superior with more health benefits than those obtained from other fruits. Research has shown that some of these fruits can help protect the body against inflammation, harmful bacteria, oxidative stress, mental disorders, heart damage and high cholesterol. Previously, these fruits were only available in certain countries, but now many of them are being used in supplements so that everyone can benefit from them.
There is another consideration to be taken into account when deciding which school of thought fits into your way of life. Many of the multivitamins in tablet form cannot be absorbed into the cells of the body, so they are excreted with other waste materials, and the body gets little benefit from them. Some studies have indicated that our bodies absorb less than 10% of what is on the label on the tablets and capsules.
What is on the label is not important, when it comes to nutrition. What is important, is our bodies ability to absorb the nutrients we take, into the bloodstream, because this delivers real nutritional value.
Liquid nutrition supplements are absorbed into the blood stream right away. They are also a good choice for people who suffer from what we call "pill fatigue" because they are tired of choking down tablets and capsules. Taking tablets can be inconvenient and cumbersome.
To summarise, people take nutrition supplements because they want to keep healthy or improve their health and energy levels. It's not easy to eat enough nutrient rich fruit and vegetables in one day, to provide all our daily required nutrients. Therefore, supplements are a simple and convenient way to help prevent many serious and also the not so serious health concerns. Liquid supplements are absorbed into the bloodstream easily, and are a solution to "pill fatigue".
Julieanne van Zyl is a distributor of nutrition supplements. Go to the following page if you want to know more about high quality Vemma nutrition supplements, which contain Mangosteen juice whole fruit and extract of the fruit's pericarp, twelve full-spectrum Vitamins, essential Minerals sourced from plant vegetation, organic glyconutrient-rich Aloe Vera, and organic Green Tea
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There are many reasons why people take nutrition supplements. Before I discuss the reasons, I will define nutrition and supplements. Nutrition is a science that examines the relationship between diet and health. The science of nutrition discovered hundreds of years ago that deficiencies in diet, excesses and imbalances in a diet can produce negative impacts on a person's health, and these negative impacts may lead to a number of diseases.
A supplement, in the dietary context, means something taken by people to enhance a diet. Supplements can include vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and other additives. Those who wish to gain muscle mass take bodybuilding supplements.
An example of one supplement is folic acid. All women of childbearing age and especially those who are already pregnant are being recommended by their medical practitioners to take folic acid to prevent birth defects known as neural tube defects. Scientists have established that there are health benefits for adults also, in doses that are not usually achieved by consuming a typical diet.
Research shows that consumption of vitamin and mineral supplements is common in the United States. People report a variety of reasons for taking nutrition supplements, including decreasing their susceptibility to health concerns such as heart attacks, colds, stress, flu and people also take supplements to increase their energy levels. Other reasons for taking supplements are to alleviate the pain from arthritis, to help reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, to reduce cholesterol problems, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, immune disfunction, osteoporosis, obesity, and alzheimers. People also take supplements to reduce their chances of getting cancer, and to help destroy existing cancer cells.
So, science has established that nutrition plays a very important part in our health and well-being. The big question is - can the food we eat supply us with enough nutrients to help ward off disease and illness? There appear to be three different schools of thought in regard to this question.
1. One school of thought is that if we eat lots of different fruit and vegetables, we should get enough nutrients to keep us healthy. In the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it is recommended that we should eat five to thirteen servings of fruit and vegetables a day. I don't know anyone who eats that many servings every day, and I don't think there would be many people who do.
A lot of people buy their dinner from take away food shops on their way home from work, and while there are more healthier take away food shops opening up, they still don't have very many fruit and vegetables. In addition, the fruit and vegetables we eat need to be fresh, and to be grown from nutrient rich soil. Because of pollution and toxic chemicals in our environment, the food we eat is not pure these days.
During the last several decades, the nutritional benefits we could get from food have diminished. Years ago, farmers used to rotate crops to improve the quality of the produce, but that doesn't happen now. Even organically grown foods are subject to the same contamination as other foods, unless they are grown in a protected environment.
2. Another school of thought is that specific supplements can be taken after diagnosis of a deficiency in our diet. For example, individuals with signs of a zinc deficiency or iron deficiency, may be recommended to take zinc or iron supplements.
3. The third school of thought is that prevention is better than cure, and it's best to take a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals. In addition to vitamins and minerals, fruits such as açaí, noni, mangosteen, goji and amla, are considered to be nutritionally superior with more health benefits than those obtained from other fruits. Research has shown that some of these fruits can help protect the body against inflammation, harmful bacteria, oxidative stress, mental disorders, heart damage and high cholesterol. Previously, these fruits were only available in certain countries, but now many of them are being used in supplements so that everyone can benefit from them.
There is another consideration to be taken into account when deciding which school of thought fits into your way of life. Many of the multivitamins in tablet form cannot be absorbed into the cells of the body, so they are excreted with other waste materials, and the body gets little benefit from them. Some studies have indicated that our bodies absorb less than 10% of what is on the label on the tablets and capsules.
What is on the label is not important, when it comes to nutrition. What is important, is our bodies ability to absorb the nutrients we take, into the bloodstream, because this delivers real nutritional value.
Liquid nutrition supplements are absorbed into the blood stream right away. They are also a good choice for people who suffer from what we call "pill fatigue" because they are tired of choking down tablets and capsules. Taking tablets can be inconvenient and cumbersome.
To summarise, people take nutrition supplements because they want to keep healthy or improve their health and energy levels. It's not easy to eat enough nutrient rich fruit and vegetables in one day, to provide all our daily required nutrients. Therefore, supplements are a simple and convenient way to help prevent many serious and also the not so serious health concerns. Liquid supplements are absorbed into the bloodstream easily, and are a solution to "pill fatigue".
Julieanne van Zyl is a distributor of nutrition supplements. Go to the following page if you want to know more about high quality Vemma nutrition supplements, which contain Mangosteen juice whole fruit and extract of the fruit's pericarp, twelve full-spectrum Vitamins, essential Minerals sourced from plant vegetation, organic glyconutrient-rich Aloe Vera, and organic Green Tea
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Bodybuilding Supplement Reviews - Are You Getting The Truth?
By Gerry Marsh
There is no doubt that some bodybuilding supplements can help you build your body to a higher level of perfection and peak performance - if you are actively involved in the sport of bodybuilding. If you are a competitive bodybuilder, supplements are an absolute must. Getting the whole truth about what a particular bodybuilding supplement does is not so clear cut.
For any supplement to help build maximum muscle tissue requires that you put out maximum effort. You can down all of energy drinks on the market, gorge yourself on protein and carbohydrates and without a lot of work on your part, you will just get fat! No magic pill or supplement out of a chemical lab will change that.
Some of the muscle magazines and web sites would have you think otherwise, but they are wrong. If you take time to check, you will find that most of the mags and sites giving glowing reviews to a magic pill or formula are owned by the same people who own the pill.
So, with literally hundreds of bodybuilding supplements on the market how do you choose? It can be confusing. Just be sure that the supplements you take help you reach your bodybuilding goals. And stay away from the over-hyped miracle pill that does it all.
There are several supplements that you really do need to help build and tone your body. These are legal and affordable and without harmful side-effects:
* Protein
* Glutamine
* Creatine
* Nitric Oxide
Every bodybuilder needs to supplement with protein. It is an essential building block and helps build muscle mass that is toned and fit. Whey protein, which comes from cows milk, is an ideal source of protein. It contains little if any fat, or lactose and is delivers essential amino acids. Look for whey protein isolate which is the purest form.
Creatine helps supply energy to the muscles. It is synthesized in the liver and is found naturally in skeletal muscles. The liver produces adequate amounts for normal activity but studies have shown that ingesting creatine does increase the amount in the muscles. Creatine not only helps in building strength and muscle mass but also increases performance by combating fatigue. If you are a competitive bodybuilder, be aware that while creatine use is not considered 'doping', certain forms are banned from sale in several countries.
L-Glutamine is an amino acid, and like creatine, it is normally produced in sufficient quantities by the body itself. However, when you place your body under stress with hard workouts, your body cannot keep up with the demand. Glutamine helps to restore your energy level and rebuild muscle tissue. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and fuel the brain. Glutamine also encourages the production of Human Growth Hormone. Many suppliers mix it with other supplements to mask the bitterness of pure glutamine.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide increases the flow of blood throughout your body. This increases the supply of muscle building agents to the skeletal muscles. This can boost your overall performance and your power output. Nitric oxide is produced naturally during hard exercise and is what gives you that "pumped" feeling. Supplementing with nitric oxide can give you that "pumped" feeling without the effort of exercise, but it is a false feeling. Unless you work your muscles, they will not grow no matter what bodybuilding supplements you take.
For complete and factual, no-hype reviews of the best natural bodybuilding supplements and how to use them to quickly gain masses of muscles, go to The Musclehead Free Review Site and No-Nonsense Bodybuilding.
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There is no doubt that some bodybuilding supplements can help you build your body to a higher level of perfection and peak performance - if you are actively involved in the sport of bodybuilding. If you are a competitive bodybuilder, supplements are an absolute must. Getting the whole truth about what a particular bodybuilding supplement does is not so clear cut.
For any supplement to help build maximum muscle tissue requires that you put out maximum effort. You can down all of energy drinks on the market, gorge yourself on protein and carbohydrates and without a lot of work on your part, you will just get fat! No magic pill or supplement out of a chemical lab will change that.
Some of the muscle magazines and web sites would have you think otherwise, but they are wrong. If you take time to check, you will find that most of the mags and sites giving glowing reviews to a magic pill or formula are owned by the same people who own the pill.
So, with literally hundreds of bodybuilding supplements on the market how do you choose? It can be confusing. Just be sure that the supplements you take help you reach your bodybuilding goals. And stay away from the over-hyped miracle pill that does it all.
There are several supplements that you really do need to help build and tone your body. These are legal and affordable and without harmful side-effects:
* Protein
* Glutamine
* Creatine
* Nitric Oxide
Every bodybuilder needs to supplement with protein. It is an essential building block and helps build muscle mass that is toned and fit. Whey protein, which comes from cows milk, is an ideal source of protein. It contains little if any fat, or lactose and is delivers essential amino acids. Look for whey protein isolate which is the purest form.
Creatine helps supply energy to the muscles. It is synthesized in the liver and is found naturally in skeletal muscles. The liver produces adequate amounts for normal activity but studies have shown that ingesting creatine does increase the amount in the muscles. Creatine not only helps in building strength and muscle mass but also increases performance by combating fatigue. If you are a competitive bodybuilder, be aware that while creatine use is not considered 'doping', certain forms are banned from sale in several countries.
L-Glutamine is an amino acid, and like creatine, it is normally produced in sufficient quantities by the body itself. However, when you place your body under stress with hard workouts, your body cannot keep up with the demand. Glutamine helps to restore your energy level and rebuild muscle tissue. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and fuel the brain. Glutamine also encourages the production of Human Growth Hormone. Many suppliers mix it with other supplements to mask the bitterness of pure glutamine.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric oxide increases the flow of blood throughout your body. This increases the supply of muscle building agents to the skeletal muscles. This can boost your overall performance and your power output. Nitric oxide is produced naturally during hard exercise and is what gives you that "pumped" feeling. Supplementing with nitric oxide can give you that "pumped" feeling without the effort of exercise, but it is a false feeling. Unless you work your muscles, they will not grow no matter what bodybuilding supplements you take.
For complete and factual, no-hype reviews of the best natural bodybuilding supplements and how to use them to quickly gain masses of muscles, go to The Musclehead Free Review Site and No-Nonsense Bodybuilding.
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Omega-3 Fatty Acids - How to Help Your Child Become an Athlete Even Before Birth
By Robert Rister
A new study from the Netherlands finds that expectant mothers who consume higher levels of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) have children with improved motor function later in life.
Dutch scientists followed over 300 children for seven years, comparing their skills involving hand-eye coordination with the amount of DHA measured in umbilical cord blood. The researchers learned that children who received more DHA in the womb did not move "more," that is, they did not fidget or wander, but they moved "better," that is, they were better able to tie a shoe, throw a ball, use buttons and zippers, and use their hands in music and crafts. The study found that children benefited from DHA regardless of whether they were born pre-term, and that DHA was good for both boys and girls.
Children who had been exposed to more DHA in utero did not have higher IQs than children who had not, but by age 7 they tended to have larger vocabularies, speaker in longer sentences, and to have higher scores on tests of language comprehension. Moreover, mothers who had higher levels of DHA during pregnancy were less likely to suffer post-partum depression and recovered from childbirth faster.
The findings of this latest study fall in line with several others. An American clinical research team found that babies who got more DHA in their formula grew taller and heavier, had keener eyesight, and more highly developed language skills by age 3 years and 3 months. Another American study, also funded by Abbott Labs, determined that pre-term infants were more likely to speak by age 14 months if they received formula supplemented with DHA and arachidonic acid (the fatty acid found in egg).
So how should expectant mothers get their DHA?
The foods that are richest in DHA are the two "F's," flax and fish. Flaxseed oil is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as is cold-water fish. There is also some DHA in canola oil, soybean oil, eggs, and the organ meats Americans are mostly likely to encounter in sausages and weiners (not that I recommend a steady diet of either during pregnancy). Two 3-1/2 oz (100 g) servings of fish a week are enough if the diet also includes other DHA-rich foods. Algae, as you may know, is also an excellent source of DHA.
The most widely DHA supplement is fish oil. Distilled fish oil contains none of the heavy metals that sometimes appear in ocean fish. The new supplement Expecta Lipil likewise is screened for toxins. Neuromins, however, is the vegetarian alternative.
DHA is the number one component of brain tissue, so it's not hard to understand that getting enough DHA is essential to brain health. Just don't go overboard. As little as 200 mg of DHA a day can make the difference, and you can get this dosage safely, inexpensively, without upsetting your digestion or your diet.
Click here for an article on how to use DHA to treat ADHD. Robert Rister is the author of nine books on natural health and healing, and the writer for Savvy Natural Healer, a daily news blog of the latest developments in natural health.
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A new study from the Netherlands finds that expectant mothers who consume higher levels of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) have children with improved motor function later in life.
Dutch scientists followed over 300 children for seven years, comparing their skills involving hand-eye coordination with the amount of DHA measured in umbilical cord blood. The researchers learned that children who received more DHA in the womb did not move "more," that is, they did not fidget or wander, but they moved "better," that is, they were better able to tie a shoe, throw a ball, use buttons and zippers, and use their hands in music and crafts. The study found that children benefited from DHA regardless of whether they were born pre-term, and that DHA was good for both boys and girls.
Children who had been exposed to more DHA in utero did not have higher IQs than children who had not, but by age 7 they tended to have larger vocabularies, speaker in longer sentences, and to have higher scores on tests of language comprehension. Moreover, mothers who had higher levels of DHA during pregnancy were less likely to suffer post-partum depression and recovered from childbirth faster.
The findings of this latest study fall in line with several others. An American clinical research team found that babies who got more DHA in their formula grew taller and heavier, had keener eyesight, and more highly developed language skills by age 3 years and 3 months. Another American study, also funded by Abbott Labs, determined that pre-term infants were more likely to speak by age 14 months if they received formula supplemented with DHA and arachidonic acid (the fatty acid found in egg).
So how should expectant mothers get their DHA?
The foods that are richest in DHA are the two "F's," flax and fish. Flaxseed oil is particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as is cold-water fish. There is also some DHA in canola oil, soybean oil, eggs, and the organ meats Americans are mostly likely to encounter in sausages and weiners (not that I recommend a steady diet of either during pregnancy). Two 3-1/2 oz (100 g) servings of fish a week are enough if the diet also includes other DHA-rich foods. Algae, as you may know, is also an excellent source of DHA.
The most widely DHA supplement is fish oil. Distilled fish oil contains none of the heavy metals that sometimes appear in ocean fish. The new supplement Expecta Lipil likewise is screened for toxins. Neuromins, however, is the vegetarian alternative.
DHA is the number one component of brain tissue, so it's not hard to understand that getting enough DHA is essential to brain health. Just don't go overboard. As little as 200 mg of DHA a day can make the difference, and you can get this dosage safely, inexpensively, without upsetting your digestion or your diet.
Click here for an article on how to use DHA to treat ADHD. Robert Rister is the author of nine books on natural health and healing, and the writer for Savvy Natural Healer, a daily news blog of the latest developments in natural health.
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The Benefits Of Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA)
By Stephen P Smith
Para-aminobenzoic acid, or PABA, is a relatively little known, but nevertheless important nutrient; commonly, though not strictly accurately, classified as one of the B-complex vitamins. The confusion is perhaps understandable because PABA plays an important role in the manufacture in the body of one of the most important B-complex vitamins, folic acid.
The many vital benefits of folic acid have been well documented, the most important probably being the prevention of serious birth defects, particularly spina bifida; as well as protection against stroke, cardiovascular disease and even certain cancers. Indeed, adequate supplies of folic acid are regarded as so crucial to health that staple foods such as bread are routinely enriched with it. But the typical Western diet is nevertheless believed by many nutritionists to be severely deficient. PABA's role in encouraging the synthesis of the body's vitamin may therefore be regarded as sufficient in itself to make it a vital nutrient in its own right.
But there is far more to para-aminobenzoic acid than this. The nutrient has also been classified as a general anti-oxidant, helping counteract the ageing and degenerative effects of damaging free radical activity; and as an anti-inflammatory which may be beneficial in the alleviation of the symptoms of the menopause and osteoarthritis.
The anti-inflammatory properties of PABA also make it a particular favourite of nutritional practitioners in combatting malfunctions of the immune system such as thyroiditis, and a potentially fatal condition known as scleroderma, in which fibrous tissue grows through the skin, cutting off the blood supply to the body's vital organs.
Moderate supplements of PABA were an old, but now unfashionable, treatment for the skin condition, vitiligo, in which the skin loses it's natural pigmentation, resulting in unsightly and embarrassing blotches. Nutritional therapists, however, continue to regard and use PABA as an effective alternative therapy for the condition.
PABA is also believed by some therapists to have a role in the relief of fatigue; perhaps through its role in the formation of the red blood cells which are vital for the transport of oxygen around the body, and to help alleviate depression.
In the context of skin care, PABA also helps absorb potentially damaging ultra-violet light and has previously been used as an ingredient in commercial sunblocks. There is some evidence, however, that internal supplementation with at least 1,000 mg of the nutrient may also help prevent sun damage. For this reason, too, PABA is regarded as cosmetically beneficial to the appearance in smoothing the skin and reducing wrinkles, as would any effective proprietary sunscreen.
Another cosmetic benefit claimed for PABA is that it may restore the colour of grey hair. Sadly, however, although general vitamin B-complex deficiencies have indeed been associated with premature greying, there appears to be little hard evidence that taking extra PABA may reverse this process. For the more serious conditions detailed above, nutritional therapists recommend supplementary doses of anything between 400 mg and 12 g per day. No significant side effects have been reported with doses of 15 g or less; though some gastric upsets have been reported. Doses at this level, however, are recommended only for conditions for which the sufferer will almost certainly be receiving conventional medical treatment and are best not undertaken without qualified supervision.
For most people, however, the good thing about PABA is that it is not only readily available from the foods which comprise a healthily balanced diet, but can also be manufactured by the body.
So in ordinary circumstances, and if you're in reasonably good health, you probably don't need a separate daily supplement of PABA. But like all the B complex vitamins, PABA in any case functions best in the presence of a good supply of all the others, and so it's frequently found in proprietary multi-vitamin preparations. The better quality ones commonly include around 30-50mg; a small amount to be sure, but worth having as an insurance policy when you're aiming for optimum holistic nutrition, and particularly when you bear in mind the nutrient's crucial role in the synthesis of folic acid.
As always when taking a multi-vitamin, however, this should be coupled with a comprehensive multi-mineral supply to ensure the maximum effectiveness of both.
Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in direct marketing and with a particular interest in health products. Find out more at
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Para-aminobenzoic acid, or PABA, is a relatively little known, but nevertheless important nutrient; commonly, though not strictly accurately, classified as one of the B-complex vitamins. The confusion is perhaps understandable because PABA plays an important role in the manufacture in the body of one of the most important B-complex vitamins, folic acid.
The many vital benefits of folic acid have been well documented, the most important probably being the prevention of serious birth defects, particularly spina bifida; as well as protection against stroke, cardiovascular disease and even certain cancers. Indeed, adequate supplies of folic acid are regarded as so crucial to health that staple foods such as bread are routinely enriched with it. But the typical Western diet is nevertheless believed by many nutritionists to be severely deficient. PABA's role in encouraging the synthesis of the body's vitamin may therefore be regarded as sufficient in itself to make it a vital nutrient in its own right.
But there is far more to para-aminobenzoic acid than this. The nutrient has also been classified as a general anti-oxidant, helping counteract the ageing and degenerative effects of damaging free radical activity; and as an anti-inflammatory which may be beneficial in the alleviation of the symptoms of the menopause and osteoarthritis.
The anti-inflammatory properties of PABA also make it a particular favourite of nutritional practitioners in combatting malfunctions of the immune system such as thyroiditis, and a potentially fatal condition known as scleroderma, in which fibrous tissue grows through the skin, cutting off the blood supply to the body's vital organs.
Moderate supplements of PABA were an old, but now unfashionable, treatment for the skin condition, vitiligo, in which the skin loses it's natural pigmentation, resulting in unsightly and embarrassing blotches. Nutritional therapists, however, continue to regard and use PABA as an effective alternative therapy for the condition.
PABA is also believed by some therapists to have a role in the relief of fatigue; perhaps through its role in the formation of the red blood cells which are vital for the transport of oxygen around the body, and to help alleviate depression.
In the context of skin care, PABA also helps absorb potentially damaging ultra-violet light and has previously been used as an ingredient in commercial sunblocks. There is some evidence, however, that internal supplementation with at least 1,000 mg of the nutrient may also help prevent sun damage. For this reason, too, PABA is regarded as cosmetically beneficial to the appearance in smoothing the skin and reducing wrinkles, as would any effective proprietary sunscreen.
Another cosmetic benefit claimed for PABA is that it may restore the colour of grey hair. Sadly, however, although general vitamin B-complex deficiencies have indeed been associated with premature greying, there appears to be little hard evidence that taking extra PABA may reverse this process. For the more serious conditions detailed above, nutritional therapists recommend supplementary doses of anything between 400 mg and 12 g per day. No significant side effects have been reported with doses of 15 g or less; though some gastric upsets have been reported. Doses at this level, however, are recommended only for conditions for which the sufferer will almost certainly be receiving conventional medical treatment and are best not undertaken without qualified supervision.
For most people, however, the good thing about PABA is that it is not only readily available from the foods which comprise a healthily balanced diet, but can also be manufactured by the body.
So in ordinary circumstances, and if you're in reasonably good health, you probably don't need a separate daily supplement of PABA. But like all the B complex vitamins, PABA in any case functions best in the presence of a good supply of all the others, and so it's frequently found in proprietary multi-vitamin preparations. The better quality ones commonly include around 30-50mg; a small amount to be sure, but worth having as an insurance policy when you're aiming for optimum holistic nutrition, and particularly when you bear in mind the nutrient's crucial role in the synthesis of folic acid.
As always when taking a multi-vitamin, however, this should be coupled with a comprehensive multi-mineral supply to ensure the maximum effectiveness of both.
Steve Smith is a freelance copywriter specialising in direct marketing and with a particular interest in health products. Find out more at
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A Breakthrough Product Is Helping Us To Tap Into Our Body's Own Built-In Rejuvenation System
By Gregg Milliken
Stem cell research has forever changed our understanding of how to regain and maintain optimal health and well-being. Recent scientific developments have revealed that stem cells derived from bone marrow travel throughout the body, and act to support optimal organ and tissue function. Once released from the bone marrow, a stem cell moves into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, a stem cell becomes a "master cell" and gains the ability to replace ANY dysfunctional cell in the body. Yes, I said ANY dysfunctional cell in the body. The only problem, until now, has been how we release these stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream.
Research scientist Christian Drapeau has discovered the one product found in nature that actually supports natural stem cell physiology. This product is Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (better known as AFA). AFA is found naturally in the pristine waters of Klamath Lake in Oregon. Once harvested, two compounds are then extracted from AFA using a proprietary process that utilizes no chemicals or harsh agents. One extract, L-selectin ligand, supports the release of stem cells. The other extract, Migratose, supports the migration of stem cells out of the blood into tissues. These extracts are then blended together to produce StemEnhance. StemEnhance is the very first stem cell enhancer. It supports the natural release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream.
Wow! This is an amazing scientific development! This breakthrough product is helping us to tap into our body's own built-in rejuvenation system. Just one gram of StemEnhance has been PROVEN TO TRIGGER AND AVERAGE 25% TO 30% INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF CIRCULATING STEM CELLS! Just one gram!! This is nothing less than a new frontier in nutraceutical nutrition!! StemEnhance is the path to gaining and maintaining optimum health.
For more information, check out my website at Your health and the health of your friends and family depend on it!!
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Stem cell research has forever changed our understanding of how to regain and maintain optimal health and well-being. Recent scientific developments have revealed that stem cells derived from bone marrow travel throughout the body, and act to support optimal organ and tissue function. Once released from the bone marrow, a stem cell moves into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, a stem cell becomes a "master cell" and gains the ability to replace ANY dysfunctional cell in the body. Yes, I said ANY dysfunctional cell in the body. The only problem, until now, has been how we release these stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream.
Research scientist Christian Drapeau has discovered the one product found in nature that actually supports natural stem cell physiology. This product is Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (better known as AFA). AFA is found naturally in the pristine waters of Klamath Lake in Oregon. Once harvested, two compounds are then extracted from AFA using a proprietary process that utilizes no chemicals or harsh agents. One extract, L-selectin ligand, supports the release of stem cells. The other extract, Migratose, supports the migration of stem cells out of the blood into tissues. These extracts are then blended together to produce StemEnhance. StemEnhance is the very first stem cell enhancer. It supports the natural release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream.
Wow! This is an amazing scientific development! This breakthrough product is helping us to tap into our body's own built-in rejuvenation system. Just one gram of StemEnhance has been PROVEN TO TRIGGER AND AVERAGE 25% TO 30% INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF CIRCULATING STEM CELLS! Just one gram!! This is nothing less than a new frontier in nutraceutical nutrition!! StemEnhance is the path to gaining and maintaining optimum health.
For more information, check out my website at Your health and the health of your friends and family depend on it!!
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Vitalzyme - The Truth That Some People Find In This Systemic Enzyme
By Dedy Suharsono
Vitalzyme is known also as Vitalzym, the product name on the label. It's produced by World Nutrition Inc, known as the manufacturer that developing this systemic enzyme for years and they make such a claim that it's one of the best products in systemic enzyme world. But the question would be do people really need it? What's the effect not taking it? Is it a must for everybody? I am certain that most of you have already heard a little about it. In this article I will evaluate Vitalzyme, so you will have proper knowledge before start taking it.
What is Vitalzyme? It's the systemic enzyme therapy, they have this formula special designed for best practice in our body. It works throughout in every system and organ, it's not just for digestion process. Many health experts believe that this systemic enzyme therapy is the medicine of the future. They are the foundation that make all other minerals and vitamins work properly. As for enzymes itself, there are many types of enzymes, they function as a biocatalyst that help to drive multiple reactions in our body, over 7,000 enzymic reactions. Without this reactions, our body won't work, and the life won't be exist.
What is Vitalzyme needed for ? According to the studies, as we're getting old, our body is no longer producing the amount of enzymes that it did in our youth. Taking Vitalzyme, along with exercise and good diet, will help to maintain normal enzyme levels, balancing the human's own repair mechanisms and increasing the health and wellness of the person who consume it.
This special therapy, the Vitalzym, helps in fighting this issues:
# Inflammation
# Autoimmune conditions
# Uterine Fibroid Tumors
# Fibrosis of the organs
# Toxins and impurities in the blood
# Viruses
# Scar tissue
As I've been researching about Vitalzyme or Vitalzym, some people find the power of this systemic enzyme, and then they start taking benefits of it. This's not only for person who already got sick, but also for healthy one, prevention measure is always better than medical treatment, don't you think? But still it's your own choice. Choose the systemic enzyme to give your body the support it needs, whether with the Vitalzym or other systemic enzyme, the one which make you most comfortable with. Hope you get most benefits from this evaluation, wish you enjoy it.
D. Suharsono is a professional writer. I spend many hours doing research on Vitalzym, digging deep enough on the topic. Take advantages of my research (include the good & the bad things) by visiting Vitalzym or Vitalzyme - Your Best Defense Health System
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Vitalzyme is known also as Vitalzym, the product name on the label. It's produced by World Nutrition Inc, known as the manufacturer that developing this systemic enzyme for years and they make such a claim that it's one of the best products in systemic enzyme world. But the question would be do people really need it? What's the effect not taking it? Is it a must for everybody? I am certain that most of you have already heard a little about it. In this article I will evaluate Vitalzyme, so you will have proper knowledge before start taking it.
What is Vitalzyme? It's the systemic enzyme therapy, they have this formula special designed for best practice in our body. It works throughout in every system and organ, it's not just for digestion process. Many health experts believe that this systemic enzyme therapy is the medicine of the future. They are the foundation that make all other minerals and vitamins work properly. As for enzymes itself, there are many types of enzymes, they function as a biocatalyst that help to drive multiple reactions in our body, over 7,000 enzymic reactions. Without this reactions, our body won't work, and the life won't be exist.
What is Vitalzyme needed for ? According to the studies, as we're getting old, our body is no longer producing the amount of enzymes that it did in our youth. Taking Vitalzyme, along with exercise and good diet, will help to maintain normal enzyme levels, balancing the human's own repair mechanisms and increasing the health and wellness of the person who consume it.
This special therapy, the Vitalzym, helps in fighting this issues:
# Inflammation
# Autoimmune conditions
# Uterine Fibroid Tumors
# Fibrosis of the organs
# Toxins and impurities in the blood
# Viruses
# Scar tissue
As I've been researching about Vitalzyme or Vitalzym, some people find the power of this systemic enzyme, and then they start taking benefits of it. This's not only for person who already got sick, but also for healthy one, prevention measure is always better than medical treatment, don't you think? But still it's your own choice. Choose the systemic enzyme to give your body the support it needs, whether with the Vitalzym or other systemic enzyme, the one which make you most comfortable with. Hope you get most benefits from this evaluation, wish you enjoy it.
D. Suharsono is a professional writer. I spend many hours doing research on Vitalzym, digging deep enough on the topic. Take advantages of my research (include the good & the bad things) by visiting Vitalzym or Vitalzyme - Your Best Defense Health System
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What Are The Functions Of Vitamin B12 (Cobalamins)?
By Davids Jones
Three main enzymatic reactions regarding vitamin B12 have been noted to occur in humans. The first reaction requires methylcobalamin as a coenzyme in the conversion of homocysteine into methionine. This reaction occurs in the cytosol of the cell. The reaction is intrinsic to the production of tetrahydrofolate (THF). The production of THF is irreversible and requires vitamin B12, therefore, a B12 deficiency can trap folate in its methyl form (also known as the folate-methyl trap), which in turn affects purine and thymidylate synthesis.
A second set of reactions requiring B12 are those catalyzed by mutases. These reactions occur within the mitochondria. These include the production of succinyl CoA, a Krebs cycle intermediate. Mutase enzymes are also intrinsic in the oxidation of fatty acids. A defect in mutase activity results in muscle activity and an accumulation of methylmalonyl CoA and methylmalonic acid. The branched-chain amino acid leucine is also catalyzed by a mutase enzyme. Specifically, leucine undergoes isomerization, requiring adenosylcobalamin .
The only dietary sources of vitamin B12 are animal products. Plants and legumes are not good sources of vitamin B12, but may contain small quantities of B12 due to contamination with microorganisms during harvesting. Cobalamins are found in meat, meat products, poultry, fish, clams, oysters, and eggs. The bioavailability of the cobalamins depends on which form they are found in.
Governmental Recommended Intake
Two micrograms daily is the recommended daily intake for vitamin B12. Doses of vitamin C that are greater than 500 mg and taken within I hour of eating a meal may impair B12 absorption?
Deficiency symptoms
More than 95% of the B12 deficiencies diagnosed are related to inadequate absorption rather than inadequate dietary intake. Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs in stages of which changes within the cells and blood are primary. Vitamin B12 deficiency later results in megaloblastic anemia (this can also be caused by folate deficiency, therefore, it is best to treat with a combination of B12 and folate). Signs of progressive B12 deficiency include neuropathy, characterized by demyelination of nerves, and hyperhomocystinemia. The populations at greatest risk for a B12 deficiency do not include athletes, but rather the elderly, alcoholics, gastrectomy patients, and strict vegetarians (vegans).
Human Studies
In the late I980s a popular dietary supplement known as Dibencozide (a coenzyme of vitamin B12) was purported to have steroid-like properties. This was anecdotal and was never confirmed by research. Bodybuilders have also been known to use the injectable cyanocobalamin as a stimulant for appetite and muscle gain. This was due to the misunderstood role that B12 has in red blood cell and protein synthesis. To date, there has not been a reputable study illustrating an ergogenic effect of vitamin B12 or any of its cobalamin forms.
Do you wish to know more about nutritional supplements or anxiety medicines? Then have a look at authors site on which you will also find vitamins.
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Three main enzymatic reactions regarding vitamin B12 have been noted to occur in humans. The first reaction requires methylcobalamin as a coenzyme in the conversion of homocysteine into methionine. This reaction occurs in the cytosol of the cell. The reaction is intrinsic to the production of tetrahydrofolate (THF). The production of THF is irreversible and requires vitamin B12, therefore, a B12 deficiency can trap folate in its methyl form (also known as the folate-methyl trap), which in turn affects purine and thymidylate synthesis.
A second set of reactions requiring B12 are those catalyzed by mutases. These reactions occur within the mitochondria. These include the production of succinyl CoA, a Krebs cycle intermediate. Mutase enzymes are also intrinsic in the oxidation of fatty acids. A defect in mutase activity results in muscle activity and an accumulation of methylmalonyl CoA and methylmalonic acid. The branched-chain amino acid leucine is also catalyzed by a mutase enzyme. Specifically, leucine undergoes isomerization, requiring adenosylcobalamin .
The only dietary sources of vitamin B12 are animal products. Plants and legumes are not good sources of vitamin B12, but may contain small quantities of B12 due to contamination with microorganisms during harvesting. Cobalamins are found in meat, meat products, poultry, fish, clams, oysters, and eggs. The bioavailability of the cobalamins depends on which form they are found in.
Governmental Recommended Intake
Two micrograms daily is the recommended daily intake for vitamin B12. Doses of vitamin C that are greater than 500 mg and taken within I hour of eating a meal may impair B12 absorption?
Deficiency symptoms
More than 95% of the B12 deficiencies diagnosed are related to inadequate absorption rather than inadequate dietary intake. Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs in stages of which changes within the cells and blood are primary. Vitamin B12 deficiency later results in megaloblastic anemia (this can also be caused by folate deficiency, therefore, it is best to treat with a combination of B12 and folate). Signs of progressive B12 deficiency include neuropathy, characterized by demyelination of nerves, and hyperhomocystinemia. The populations at greatest risk for a B12 deficiency do not include athletes, but rather the elderly, alcoholics, gastrectomy patients, and strict vegetarians (vegans).
Human Studies
In the late I980s a popular dietary supplement known as Dibencozide (a coenzyme of vitamin B12) was purported to have steroid-like properties. This was anecdotal and was never confirmed by research. Bodybuilders have also been known to use the injectable cyanocobalamin as a stimulant for appetite and muscle gain. This was due to the misunderstood role that B12 has in red blood cell and protein synthesis. To date, there has not been a reputable study illustrating an ergogenic effect of vitamin B12 or any of its cobalamin forms.
Do you wish to know more about nutritional supplements or anxiety medicines? Then have a look at authors site on which you will also find vitamins.
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Health Benefits Of Vitmain E
By Elizabeth Boardman
Vitamin E, also called alpha-tocopherol, is believed to reduce plaque buildup and preliminary research has led to beliefs that it may help delay coronary heart disease by limiting the oxidation of cholesterol. It may also help prevent the formation of blood clots which may eventually lead to heart attacks. Aside from this, Vitamin E's health benefits include faster wound healing, skin enhancement, the proper functioning of the immune system and protection against various diseases.
Although an essential nutrient, Vitamin E deficiency is less likely to occur except in individuals with rare fat metabolism disorders. The most abundant food sources are vegetable oil. It is found commonly in wheat products, nuts, and poultry. Vitamin E supplements are also available commercially.
The main function of Vitamin E is similar to that of an antioxidant. It helps remove free radicals, which are unstable compounds responsible for damaging cell structure. The buildup of free radicals may increase the risk of cancer and weakens the immune system. Vitamin E also helps protect the eyes from diseases like cataract and glaucoma. Diabetes, pancreatic disorders, and Alzheimer's Disease are just a few of the diseases that Vitamin E is used for.
Vitamin E may prevent and limit the oxidation of cholesterol. Cholesterol will convert into plaque, which thickens the blood, causes blood clot, and will eventually lead to strokes and heart attacks. Vitamin E from foods have also shown lesser risk of stroke for post-menopausal women.
Vitamin E is also well known for the benefits it gives to the skin. The topical use of Vitamin E helps retain moisture and prevents skin from drying, resulting to itchiness and lip chapping. It also protects the skin from ultraviolet light and heal wounds faster. Vitamin E is a main ingredient in most creams, lotions and sunscreens for topical application.
Vitamin E is also recommended for people with osteoarthritis. Having anti-inflammatory effects, Vitamin E is traditionally used to relieve arthritic pain and improves the mobility of joints.
The San Francisco Bath Salt Company's slogan is "Relaxing The World One Bath at a Time". We specialize in luxury bath salts for skincare and relaxation with the overall goal of improving health through bathing. Our website is a powerful resource of information about bathing and contains many more articles and our daily bathing blog. for more information visit or to visit our complete resource section on bathing goto
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Vitamin E, also called alpha-tocopherol, is believed to reduce plaque buildup and preliminary research has led to beliefs that it may help delay coronary heart disease by limiting the oxidation of cholesterol. It may also help prevent the formation of blood clots which may eventually lead to heart attacks. Aside from this, Vitamin E's health benefits include faster wound healing, skin enhancement, the proper functioning of the immune system and protection against various diseases.
Although an essential nutrient, Vitamin E deficiency is less likely to occur except in individuals with rare fat metabolism disorders. The most abundant food sources are vegetable oil. It is found commonly in wheat products, nuts, and poultry. Vitamin E supplements are also available commercially.
The main function of Vitamin E is similar to that of an antioxidant. It helps remove free radicals, which are unstable compounds responsible for damaging cell structure. The buildup of free radicals may increase the risk of cancer and weakens the immune system. Vitamin E also helps protect the eyes from diseases like cataract and glaucoma. Diabetes, pancreatic disorders, and Alzheimer's Disease are just a few of the diseases that Vitamin E is used for.
Vitamin E may prevent and limit the oxidation of cholesterol. Cholesterol will convert into plaque, which thickens the blood, causes blood clot, and will eventually lead to strokes and heart attacks. Vitamin E from foods have also shown lesser risk of stroke for post-menopausal women.
Vitamin E is also well known for the benefits it gives to the skin. The topical use of Vitamin E helps retain moisture and prevents skin from drying, resulting to itchiness and lip chapping. It also protects the skin from ultraviolet light and heal wounds faster. Vitamin E is a main ingredient in most creams, lotions and sunscreens for topical application.
Vitamin E is also recommended for people with osteoarthritis. Having anti-inflammatory effects, Vitamin E is traditionally used to relieve arthritic pain and improves the mobility of joints.
The San Francisco Bath Salt Company's slogan is "Relaxing The World One Bath at a Time". We specialize in luxury bath salts for skincare and relaxation with the overall goal of improving health through bathing. Our website is a powerful resource of information about bathing and contains many more articles and our daily bathing blog. for more information visit or to visit our complete resource section on bathing goto
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Are Fish Oils An Option In The Prevention Of Alzheimer's Disease?
By Maggie Murray
In the time that it takes you to read this article, three people will have developed Alzheimer's Disease. Experts estimate that every 72 seconds, another person develops this deadly condition. Those same experts also estimate that if a treatment is not found, within the next decade or two the result will be millions of aging baby boomers in the United States alone becoming afflicted with the disease.
There is some good news, however. For many years now, fish oil has been known to people researching Alzheimer's Disease as a way of preventing or, at the very least, delaying its onset. Now there appears to be scientific evidence to support this claim. Recent studies show that EPA and DHA (the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil) can offer some protection against the onset of both Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia.
The effect that fish oils containing omega 3 fatty acids have on the cardiovascular system has been well documented in recent years. Their effect on the brain is less well documented at this time, although recent studies provide evidence that there are less cases of Alzheimer's in societies where people either eat enough fish or take enough fish oil supplements.
The primary omega 3 fatty acid that researchers believe is responsible for the delay in Alzheimer's onset is DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which is found mainly in cold water fish such as sardines, salmon and herring. What the most recent research has found is the more DHA you have in your system, the less likely you are to develop the disease. The DHA appears, according to researchers, to act as an anti-oxidant for the brain, protecting it from the plaque which is central to the disease. More specifically, it was found that the presence of DHA increased the production of LR11 protein. This protein is what acts to clear out the enzymes that make Alzheimer's-causing plaques.
The other main finding of this research is that people with Alzheimer's have lower levels of DHA, and therefore LR11, in their brains that people without the disease. This knowledge, when combined with the knowledge that fish eating societies have less incidents of dementia overall, makes a good case for either increasing the amount of fish in one's diet, or in supplementing with fish oil capsules.
Where Alzheimer's is concerned, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. There is no cure for this debilitating disease once it develops, and the first thing that goes is short-term memory and the ability to think clearly. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to delay its onset for as long as possible.
Ultimately more research needs to be done on the links between DHA and the prevention of Alzheimers, For now, however, it appears that supplementing your diet with fish oils is a good first step in protecting yourself against Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. As always, make sure you do consult with your medical practitioner before trying this or any other type of supplementation.
To learn more about the benefits of fish oil, visit Maggie's site at
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In the time that it takes you to read this article, three people will have developed Alzheimer's Disease. Experts estimate that every 72 seconds, another person develops this deadly condition. Those same experts also estimate that if a treatment is not found, within the next decade or two the result will be millions of aging baby boomers in the United States alone becoming afflicted with the disease.
There is some good news, however. For many years now, fish oil has been known to people researching Alzheimer's Disease as a way of preventing or, at the very least, delaying its onset. Now there appears to be scientific evidence to support this claim. Recent studies show that EPA and DHA (the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil) can offer some protection against the onset of both Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia.
The effect that fish oils containing omega 3 fatty acids have on the cardiovascular system has been well documented in recent years. Their effect on the brain is less well documented at this time, although recent studies provide evidence that there are less cases of Alzheimer's in societies where people either eat enough fish or take enough fish oil supplements.
The primary omega 3 fatty acid that researchers believe is responsible for the delay in Alzheimer's onset is DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which is found mainly in cold water fish such as sardines, salmon and herring. What the most recent research has found is the more DHA you have in your system, the less likely you are to develop the disease. The DHA appears, according to researchers, to act as an anti-oxidant for the brain, protecting it from the plaque which is central to the disease. More specifically, it was found that the presence of DHA increased the production of LR11 protein. This protein is what acts to clear out the enzymes that make Alzheimer's-causing plaques.
The other main finding of this research is that people with Alzheimer's have lower levels of DHA, and therefore LR11, in their brains that people without the disease. This knowledge, when combined with the knowledge that fish eating societies have less incidents of dementia overall, makes a good case for either increasing the amount of fish in one's diet, or in supplementing with fish oil capsules.
Where Alzheimer's is concerned, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. There is no cure for this debilitating disease once it develops, and the first thing that goes is short-term memory and the ability to think clearly. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to delay its onset for as long as possible.
Ultimately more research needs to be done on the links between DHA and the prevention of Alzheimers, For now, however, it appears that supplementing your diet with fish oils is a good first step in protecting yourself against Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. As always, make sure you do consult with your medical practitioner before trying this or any other type of supplementation.
To learn more about the benefits of fish oil, visit Maggie's site at
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Organic Bodybuilding Supplements - The Safest Way To A Great Body
By Andrew S Jones
Why are organic bodybuilding supplements being talked about? What is it that causes people to use them in preference to any other method of increasing muscle body mass? Well, let me answer this question with another - do you know why all body builders and weightlifters are regularly tested for steroids? Not only because steroid use is unfair in competitions, but because it is downright dangerous as well. There have been umpteen instances of athletes and body builders collapsing and dying - yes dying, simply because they were heavily into steroid use and their body just couldn't cope up with the stress.
So why do you need any supplements at all? Well if you were an average person, going about doing office work and returning home to the TV and family, you probably don't - if you are taking a good balanced diet. But here we are talking about a person who is straining hard, several times a week to build those muscles and burning thousands of calories more than the TV watching and newspaper-reading person.
Regular food, though great by itself, does not have the high concentration of the high energy stuff to really fuel a straining body. If you were to derive all your energy from traditional foods alone, you would probably end up eating three times as much as you normally do. This is simply not possible. If you were to attempt that, your digestive system would literally throw up in disgust. So the only way out is to take healthy food supplements.
Organic bodybuilding supplements have the great advantage that they are concentrated extracts of the very substances you would derive from a healthy diet. They are focused - which means that your body does not waste time digesting and processing food to get the stuff it needs. You get what you need right out of the box and therefore the results are fast, safe and visible. A heavily exercised body needs a good balanced diet fortified further with an organic bodybuilding supplement.
Another related issue. The best supplements need not be the most expensive. Costs can vary considerably with a number of factors and all of these may not have much to do with the quality of the supplement. You will need to read available literature and make a judgment based on your research. Just this bit of advice, stay far away from anything that reads like a steroid. It is just not worth it.
What about rest and sleep? Both are extremely important. Ensure that you give your body enough rest and recovery time between workouts. Well planned rest periods coupled with a well supplemented diet and scientifically planned exercise is the best way to a great looking you.
If you have been exercising regularly for some time now, the benefits may already be becoming apparent. Your posture would have improved and your energy levels would be far higher that what they were when you were on the couch with the remote control. Maybe friends have started commenting already. It's a great feeling and one that is a positive motivator for more. Continue the great work, but just ensure that your body does not run out of fuel. Help yourself by taking the right quantity of organic bodybuilding supplements.
I hope you found this article helpful!
Discover the secrets to optimizing the benefit of muscle building exercises and uncover exactly how to gain muscle mass, by going to:
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Why are organic bodybuilding supplements being talked about? What is it that causes people to use them in preference to any other method of increasing muscle body mass? Well, let me answer this question with another - do you know why all body builders and weightlifters are regularly tested for steroids? Not only because steroid use is unfair in competitions, but because it is downright dangerous as well. There have been umpteen instances of athletes and body builders collapsing and dying - yes dying, simply because they were heavily into steroid use and their body just couldn't cope up with the stress.
So why do you need any supplements at all? Well if you were an average person, going about doing office work and returning home to the TV and family, you probably don't - if you are taking a good balanced diet. But here we are talking about a person who is straining hard, several times a week to build those muscles and burning thousands of calories more than the TV watching and newspaper-reading person.
Regular food, though great by itself, does not have the high concentration of the high energy stuff to really fuel a straining body. If you were to derive all your energy from traditional foods alone, you would probably end up eating three times as much as you normally do. This is simply not possible. If you were to attempt that, your digestive system would literally throw up in disgust. So the only way out is to take healthy food supplements.
Organic bodybuilding supplements have the great advantage that they are concentrated extracts of the very substances you would derive from a healthy diet. They are focused - which means that your body does not waste time digesting and processing food to get the stuff it needs. You get what you need right out of the box and therefore the results are fast, safe and visible. A heavily exercised body needs a good balanced diet fortified further with an organic bodybuilding supplement.
Another related issue. The best supplements need not be the most expensive. Costs can vary considerably with a number of factors and all of these may not have much to do with the quality of the supplement. You will need to read available literature and make a judgment based on your research. Just this bit of advice, stay far away from anything that reads like a steroid. It is just not worth it.
What about rest and sleep? Both are extremely important. Ensure that you give your body enough rest and recovery time between workouts. Well planned rest periods coupled with a well supplemented diet and scientifically planned exercise is the best way to a great looking you.
If you have been exercising regularly for some time now, the benefits may already be becoming apparent. Your posture would have improved and your energy levels would be far higher that what they were when you were on the couch with the remote control. Maybe friends have started commenting already. It's a great feeling and one that is a positive motivator for more. Continue the great work, but just ensure that your body does not run out of fuel. Help yourself by taking the right quantity of organic bodybuilding supplements.
I hope you found this article helpful!
Discover the secrets to optimizing the benefit of muscle building exercises and uncover exactly how to gain muscle mass, by going to:
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Miscellaneous Supplements - Sports
By Prahalad Singh
Structured Lipids- Increased Protein Synthesis
Advances in the technology behind lipid synthesis led to the development of structured lipids (SLs). A structured lipid (SL) is a triglyceride that includes both medium (8-12 carbons) and long-chain fatty acids (14-22 carbons) within the same triglyceride. Emulsions including SL have demonstrated increased protein synthesis and increased nitrogen balance (NB) in burned animals The SL has also been superior to medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) and long-chain triglyceride (LCT) emulsions in stimulating muscle protein synthesis in animal studies.
The use of SLs has been primarily limited to clinical and experimental settings whereby it has become necessary to develop medical nutrition therapies that minimize the adverse effects of high lipid feedings and maximize the positive outcomes. Such positive outcomes include increased protein synthesis, enhanced immune function, decreased risk for cardiovascular disease, and improved glucose homeostasis. The ability to increase protein synthesis, maintain the health of the immune system, and stabilize blood glucose are factors that can also play a role in improving athletic performance. Research on the application of this clinical technology to athletic performance is not available at this time.
Peptides- To Provide Glutamine to TPN Patients
In an effort to provide glutamine to TPN patients in a form that can remain stable in liquid, the amino acid has been bonded with other amino acids, such as the dipeptide alanyl-glutamine. This combination can preserve muscle glutamine levels and muscle protein synthesis after surgery and improve whole-body nitrogen balance. This finding is supported by research on rats with peritonitis Alanylglutamine increased protein synthesis in the liver and skeletal muscle, protected the morphology of the intestinal mucosa, and improved survival in protracted bacterial peritonitis. The researchers concluded that alanylglutamine supplementation may be useful in septic patients.
Role of Glutamine as Glucose Regulation
The role of glutamine regarding glucose regulation may be important in exercise-trained individuals. Its function in gluconeogenesis (formation of glucose) and glycogen repletion may serve as a useful function during and after exercise. Gluconeogenesis from glutamine can occur without changes in plasma insulin and glucagon levels, providing evidence that glutamine itself can regulate gluconeogenesis.
Nurjhan et al. compared the contribution of alanine and glutamine to glucose formation in postabsorptive (fasted) normal human volunteers and found that the amount of glucose carbon that came from proteinderived glutamine was 100% greater than from alanine. Varnier et al. studied the effects of glutamine, alanine plus glycine, and saline infusion on glycogen accumulation in subjects who cycled for 90 minutes. Two hours postexercise, glutamine infusion resulted in a twofold greater concentration of muscle glycogen than either saline or alanine plus glycine infusion. In postabsorptive humans, glutamine could be more important than alanine for glucose formation derived from proteolysis. Further, glutamine carbon can be directed to glycogen accumulation in skeletal muscle that had been previously glycogen depleted.
In mice that were genetically predisposed to being overweight and hyperglycemic, the administration of glutamine in conjunction with a high-fat diet resulted in a reduction of body weight and a drop in hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. The mechanism for a glutamineinduced weight reduction is not known, though it may be related to the ability of glutamine to lessen the insulin resistance induced by a high-fat diet. Further, the administration of glutamine to lipid-based TPN can prevent glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.
Author has an experience of more than 4 years writing about fitness exercise He also holds experience writing about supplements info and yoga equipment
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Structured Lipids- Increased Protein Synthesis
Advances in the technology behind lipid synthesis led to the development of structured lipids (SLs). A structured lipid (SL) is a triglyceride that includes both medium (8-12 carbons) and long-chain fatty acids (14-22 carbons) within the same triglyceride. Emulsions including SL have demonstrated increased protein synthesis and increased nitrogen balance (NB) in burned animals The SL has also been superior to medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) and long-chain triglyceride (LCT) emulsions in stimulating muscle protein synthesis in animal studies.
The use of SLs has been primarily limited to clinical and experimental settings whereby it has become necessary to develop medical nutrition therapies that minimize the adverse effects of high lipid feedings and maximize the positive outcomes. Such positive outcomes include increased protein synthesis, enhanced immune function, decreased risk for cardiovascular disease, and improved glucose homeostasis. The ability to increase protein synthesis, maintain the health of the immune system, and stabilize blood glucose are factors that can also play a role in improving athletic performance. Research on the application of this clinical technology to athletic performance is not available at this time.
Peptides- To Provide Glutamine to TPN Patients
In an effort to provide glutamine to TPN patients in a form that can remain stable in liquid, the amino acid has been bonded with other amino acids, such as the dipeptide alanyl-glutamine. This combination can preserve muscle glutamine levels and muscle protein synthesis after surgery and improve whole-body nitrogen balance. This finding is supported by research on rats with peritonitis Alanylglutamine increased protein synthesis in the liver and skeletal muscle, protected the morphology of the intestinal mucosa, and improved survival in protracted bacterial peritonitis. The researchers concluded that alanylglutamine supplementation may be useful in septic patients.
Role of Glutamine as Glucose Regulation
The role of glutamine regarding glucose regulation may be important in exercise-trained individuals. Its function in gluconeogenesis (formation of glucose) and glycogen repletion may serve as a useful function during and after exercise. Gluconeogenesis from glutamine can occur without changes in plasma insulin and glucagon levels, providing evidence that glutamine itself can regulate gluconeogenesis.
Nurjhan et al. compared the contribution of alanine and glutamine to glucose formation in postabsorptive (fasted) normal human volunteers and found that the amount of glucose carbon that came from proteinderived glutamine was 100% greater than from alanine. Varnier et al. studied the effects of glutamine, alanine plus glycine, and saline infusion on glycogen accumulation in subjects who cycled for 90 minutes. Two hours postexercise, glutamine infusion resulted in a twofold greater concentration of muscle glycogen than either saline or alanine plus glycine infusion. In postabsorptive humans, glutamine could be more important than alanine for glucose formation derived from proteolysis. Further, glutamine carbon can be directed to glycogen accumulation in skeletal muscle that had been previously glycogen depleted.
In mice that were genetically predisposed to being overweight and hyperglycemic, the administration of glutamine in conjunction with a high-fat diet resulted in a reduction of body weight and a drop in hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia. The mechanism for a glutamineinduced weight reduction is not known, though it may be related to the ability of glutamine to lessen the insulin resistance induced by a high-fat diet. Further, the administration of glutamine to lipid-based TPN can prevent glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.
Author has an experience of more than 4 years writing about fitness exercise He also holds experience writing about supplements info and yoga equipment
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Cardioprotective Benefits of Soy Protein - Sports
By Prahalad Singh
Recent evidence regarding the cardioprotective benefits of soy isoflavones has stimulated an increase in consumption of soy protein powders. Although consumers are most likely ingesting soy powders for the isoflavones present, they will also benefit from the protein itself. Studies on nitrogen balance in man indicate that isolated soy is comparable to that of animal proteins The effects of a soy-based diet versus an animal protein-based diet on whole-body protein turnover was evaluated using two groups of six males. The rates of protein synthesis and protein breakdown were similar in both groups. However, more recent research compared soy with casein on net protein retention in pigs. Constant infusions of either casein or soy were performed with measurements taken postabsorptively and 2-6 hours after the enteral feeding. Amino acid and urea kinetics were assessed using a primed-constant infusion protocol with L- [ring-2,63H]phenylalanine, L-[3,4-3H]valine and [15N-15N]urea. During the meal, the appearance of amino acids into the portal vein and their uptake by the liver was lower with the casein infusion. Muscle uptake did not differ between the casein or soy infusions. The soy infusion stimulated a lower rate of gut protein synthesis and higher rate of muscle protein turnover. The casein infusion stimulated a higher rate of liver protein synthesis and degradation. In the postabsorptive condition, casein infusion did not alter liver urea production, whereas soy infusion significantly increased it. The researchers concluded that the soy protein is an inferior quality in comparison to that of casein protein.
Soy is well tolerated and there are no adverse effects associated with its use. Soy stimulates lower rates of liver protein synthesis and degradation, therefore, future research on the combinations of soy with other proteins may prove insightful in providing a protein that not only lowers the risk for cardiovascular disease, but also maintains higher levels of protein synthesis and lower levels of protein degradation.
Glutamine- Promotes Muscle Glycogen Storage
In this study, seven male subjects of average physical fitness took part in three different trials. First, subjects performed bicycle exercise designed to deplete their fast and slow-twitch fibers of muscle glycogen.
Then they received either
An 18.5% solution of glucose polymer,
8 g of glutamine, or
An 18.5% solution of glucose polymer plus 8 g of glutamine.
During the three trials, they also received a continuous infusion of glucose for 2 hours. Plasma glutamine concentration increased dramatically after the ingestion of glutamine alone or with the glucose polymer. Glutamine concentrations were approximately 70% higher than baseline 30-45 minutes after glutamine ingestion. Moreover, glutamine ingestion had no effect on insulin levels. As expected glucose polymer ingestion (with or without glutamine) produced a substantive rise in insulin that lasted 30-90 minutes. Glutamine was as effective as the glucose polymer solution in increasing muscle glycogen after the glycogen-depleting exercise bout .
According to the investigators, "Oral glutamine alone promoted storage of muscle glycogen to an extent similar to oral glucose polymer. Ingestion of glutamine and glucose polymer together promoted the storage of carbohydrate outside of skeletal muscle, the most feasible site being the liver."
Author is a professional writer on various topics like creatine facts and bodybuilding nutrition He is also proficient in writing about vitamin uses I hope you like the articles.
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Recent evidence regarding the cardioprotective benefits of soy isoflavones has stimulated an increase in consumption of soy protein powders. Although consumers are most likely ingesting soy powders for the isoflavones present, they will also benefit from the protein itself. Studies on nitrogen balance in man indicate that isolated soy is comparable to that of animal proteins The effects of a soy-based diet versus an animal protein-based diet on whole-body protein turnover was evaluated using two groups of six males. The rates of protein synthesis and protein breakdown were similar in both groups. However, more recent research compared soy with casein on net protein retention in pigs. Constant infusions of either casein or soy were performed with measurements taken postabsorptively and 2-6 hours after the enteral feeding. Amino acid and urea kinetics were assessed using a primed-constant infusion protocol with L- [ring-2,63H]phenylalanine, L-[3,4-3H]valine and [15N-15N]urea. During the meal, the appearance of amino acids into the portal vein and their uptake by the liver was lower with the casein infusion. Muscle uptake did not differ between the casein or soy infusions. The soy infusion stimulated a lower rate of gut protein synthesis and higher rate of muscle protein turnover. The casein infusion stimulated a higher rate of liver protein synthesis and degradation. In the postabsorptive condition, casein infusion did not alter liver urea production, whereas soy infusion significantly increased it. The researchers concluded that the soy protein is an inferior quality in comparison to that of casein protein.
Soy is well tolerated and there are no adverse effects associated with its use. Soy stimulates lower rates of liver protein synthesis and degradation, therefore, future research on the combinations of soy with other proteins may prove insightful in providing a protein that not only lowers the risk for cardiovascular disease, but also maintains higher levels of protein synthesis and lower levels of protein degradation.
Glutamine- Promotes Muscle Glycogen Storage
In this study, seven male subjects of average physical fitness took part in three different trials. First, subjects performed bicycle exercise designed to deplete their fast and slow-twitch fibers of muscle glycogen.
Then they received either
An 18.5% solution of glucose polymer,
8 g of glutamine, or
An 18.5% solution of glucose polymer plus 8 g of glutamine.
During the three trials, they also received a continuous infusion of glucose for 2 hours. Plasma glutamine concentration increased dramatically after the ingestion of glutamine alone or with the glucose polymer. Glutamine concentrations were approximately 70% higher than baseline 30-45 minutes after glutamine ingestion. Moreover, glutamine ingestion had no effect on insulin levels. As expected glucose polymer ingestion (with or without glutamine) produced a substantive rise in insulin that lasted 30-90 minutes. Glutamine was as effective as the glucose polymer solution in increasing muscle glycogen after the glycogen-depleting exercise bout .
According to the investigators, "Oral glutamine alone promoted storage of muscle glycogen to an extent similar to oral glucose polymer. Ingestion of glutamine and glucose polymer together promoted the storage of carbohydrate outside of skeletal muscle, the most feasible site being the liver."
Author is a professional writer on various topics like creatine facts and bodybuilding nutrition He is also proficient in writing about vitamin uses I hope you like the articles.
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Personality and Stress-Vitamins
By Prahalad Singh
Two physicians, Friedman and Roseman, have written extensively about personality, cardiovascular disease, and stress. These researchers have described two stress-related personality types-type A and type B. Most people are neither type exclusively but fall somewhere between the two.
Type A personality is characterized by an urgent sense of time, impatience, competitiveness, aggressiveness, insecurity over status, and inability to relax. People with type A behavior characteristics are likely to be highly stressed. Type B people have a more unhurried approach to their lives. The type B personality does not become as upset at losing or not attaining a goal. Type B people also tend to set more realistic goals. Researchers disagree on whether there is a possible relationship between the stressprone type A personality and cardiovascular disease.
In general, researchers believe that being a type A personality is not a problem if there is no underlying hostility. However, regardless of whether type A individuals are more susceptible to heart disease, they will experience more negative effects, such as tiredness and frustration, from short-term stress.
"Stress survivors" people who have been found to handle stress successfully or have successful coping abilities-have several common characteristics. Psychologist Suzanne Kobasa 12 has isolated these attributes and characterized the type of person who exhibits them. A hardy personality tends to remain healthy even under extreme stress. Characteristics of a hardy personality or hardiness are challenge, commitment, and control Challenge is the ability to see change for what it is-that is, not only inevitable but an opportunity for growth and development of unique individual abilities. Commitment is delineated by a strong sense of inner purpose. It is necessary to want to succeed for success to be achieved. Commitment is the ability to become really involved while maintaining the discernment to know when dedication and desire are harmful. Control is exhibited by the recognition that people have power over their lives and attitudes. People who have a sense of control act in situations rather than react to them.
Coping With and Managing Stress
Stress profoundly affects people's lives. Every one lives with stress-whether a student, business person, parent, or athlete. Stress is frequently viewed as an enemy. This is a misconception. Stress is often neither positive nor negative. How people deal with or react to what they perceive as stress is what determines its effect on their lives. As has been stated, "It is often said that stress is one of the most destructive elements in people's daily lives, but that is only a half truth. The way we react to stress appears to be more important than the stress itself. The effects of stress can be either positive or negative. Positively used, stress can be a motivator for an improved quality of life. Viewed negatively, it can be destructive.
Selecting a Stress-Reducing Technique
No single stress-reduction technique automatically reduces stress for everyone. People are comfortable with and enjoy different activities, and this is what determines long-term use. When dealing with your stress, awareness that a stress response is occurring is necessary first. People are frequently unaware that the reason they are always tired or irritable or have body aches is because they are experiencing stress's negative effects. Second, everyone has to find the stress-reduction techniques that work best for them. This usually requires more than one approach, depending on the individual and the type of stress response each individual experiences. Any technique that helps create a sense of relaxation, provides personal time, and allows you to gain control can lead to a happier, healthier, more enjoyable life.
Third, the best form of stress management is the prevention of negative effects before they become unmanageable. Well thought out, prudent lifestyle decisions based on knowledge of health behaviors and understanding of your own needs and expectations may be the best contribution you can make to your own stress-management plan.
The authors site you will find information about healthy vitamins has lots of tips about hypertension types and yoga and exercise
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Two physicians, Friedman and Roseman, have written extensively about personality, cardiovascular disease, and stress. These researchers have described two stress-related personality types-type A and type B. Most people are neither type exclusively but fall somewhere between the two.
Type A personality is characterized by an urgent sense of time, impatience, competitiveness, aggressiveness, insecurity over status, and inability to relax. People with type A behavior characteristics are likely to be highly stressed. Type B people have a more unhurried approach to their lives. The type B personality does not become as upset at losing or not attaining a goal. Type B people also tend to set more realistic goals. Researchers disagree on whether there is a possible relationship between the stressprone type A personality and cardiovascular disease.
In general, researchers believe that being a type A personality is not a problem if there is no underlying hostility. However, regardless of whether type A individuals are more susceptible to heart disease, they will experience more negative effects, such as tiredness and frustration, from short-term stress.
"Stress survivors" people who have been found to handle stress successfully or have successful coping abilities-have several common characteristics. Psychologist Suzanne Kobasa 12 has isolated these attributes and characterized the type of person who exhibits them. A hardy personality tends to remain healthy even under extreme stress. Characteristics of a hardy personality or hardiness are challenge, commitment, and control Challenge is the ability to see change for what it is-that is, not only inevitable but an opportunity for growth and development of unique individual abilities. Commitment is delineated by a strong sense of inner purpose. It is necessary to want to succeed for success to be achieved. Commitment is the ability to become really involved while maintaining the discernment to know when dedication and desire are harmful. Control is exhibited by the recognition that people have power over their lives and attitudes. People who have a sense of control act in situations rather than react to them.
Coping With and Managing Stress
Stress profoundly affects people's lives. Every one lives with stress-whether a student, business person, parent, or athlete. Stress is frequently viewed as an enemy. This is a misconception. Stress is often neither positive nor negative. How people deal with or react to what they perceive as stress is what determines its effect on their lives. As has been stated, "It is often said that stress is one of the most destructive elements in people's daily lives, but that is only a half truth. The way we react to stress appears to be more important than the stress itself. The effects of stress can be either positive or negative. Positively used, stress can be a motivator for an improved quality of life. Viewed negatively, it can be destructive.
Selecting a Stress-Reducing Technique
No single stress-reduction technique automatically reduces stress for everyone. People are comfortable with and enjoy different activities, and this is what determines long-term use. When dealing with your stress, awareness that a stress response is occurring is necessary first. People are frequently unaware that the reason they are always tired or irritable or have body aches is because they are experiencing stress's negative effects. Second, everyone has to find the stress-reduction techniques that work best for them. This usually requires more than one approach, depending on the individual and the type of stress response each individual experiences. Any technique that helps create a sense of relaxation, provides personal time, and allows you to gain control can lead to a happier, healthier, more enjoyable life.
Third, the best form of stress management is the prevention of negative effects before they become unmanageable. Well thought out, prudent lifestyle decisions based on knowledge of health behaviors and understanding of your own needs and expectations may be the best contribution you can make to your own stress-management plan.
The authors site you will find information about healthy vitamins has lots of tips about hypertension types and yoga and exercise
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Herbal Weight Loss Supplements
By Kathryn Soloff
It is natural to compare the results and safety of herbal weight loss supplements to their pharmaceutical counter parts. One could reasonably assume that the herbal supplements are at least safer and have fewer side effects. Of course, if we were to assume that, we would be wrong.
Yes, in general, herbs are safer than medicine. If we take a moment to examine the evolution of medicine, we may get a clearer picture.
The oldest, original medicine in history is the use of herbs and plants to treat all manner of ailments. It is important to remember, however, that when people used herbs, they used the whole herb, root or plant. It was either ground down, cooked or used as a tea. In China, the second oldest civilization, and the oldest surviving medical system, using herbal tea as a cure was developed into a very sophisticated system. It is not uncommon for the Chinese doctors to use a variety of eight different herbs in one tea.
What I am trying to get at is that the Chinese physicians used herbs as a very subtle method to have the body reestablish balance or harmony. Herbs, the way they were used in ancient times, did not product any great shock to the system. Therefore, there were no serious or harmful side effects.
On the other hand, modern pharmacueticals use the active ingredients in plants and from other sources. Modern medicine is much more concentrated and in many instances produce both harmful and serious side effects. Just watch any television commercial about a drug product. The commercial always ends with, "...may include the following side effects". Often, the list that follows is frightening.
This brings us to herbal weight loss supplements. These products are in the middle of herbs and modern drugs. These products use a concentrated form of the herbs, not the whole plant. Being more concentrated, they are not as mild as drinking an herbal tea. However, in most instances, they are still more mild than modern drugs. But not always.
Ephedrine is a natural supplement that can have severe side effects. The point of all this is that you have to do your research before using any diet supplement, whether it is herbal or medical in nature.
It is important to remember that most herbal supplements are safe and effective. Just do your homework first. Also, it is true that some of them are effective weight loss agents all by themselves. It is even more effective to combine their use with a change of diet and exercise.
Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting
Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Natural Food Fat Burners.
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It is natural to compare the results and safety of herbal weight loss supplements to their pharmaceutical counter parts. One could reasonably assume that the herbal supplements are at least safer and have fewer side effects. Of course, if we were to assume that, we would be wrong.
Yes, in general, herbs are safer than medicine. If we take a moment to examine the evolution of medicine, we may get a clearer picture.
The oldest, original medicine in history is the use of herbs and plants to treat all manner of ailments. It is important to remember, however, that when people used herbs, they used the whole herb, root or plant. It was either ground down, cooked or used as a tea. In China, the second oldest civilization, and the oldest surviving medical system, using herbal tea as a cure was developed into a very sophisticated system. It is not uncommon for the Chinese doctors to use a variety of eight different herbs in one tea.
What I am trying to get at is that the Chinese physicians used herbs as a very subtle method to have the body reestablish balance or harmony. Herbs, the way they were used in ancient times, did not product any great shock to the system. Therefore, there were no serious or harmful side effects.
On the other hand, modern pharmacueticals use the active ingredients in plants and from other sources. Modern medicine is much more concentrated and in many instances produce both harmful and serious side effects. Just watch any television commercial about a drug product. The commercial always ends with, "...may include the following side effects". Often, the list that follows is frightening.
This brings us to herbal weight loss supplements. These products are in the middle of herbs and modern drugs. These products use a concentrated form of the herbs, not the whole plant. Being more concentrated, they are not as mild as drinking an herbal tea. However, in most instances, they are still more mild than modern drugs. But not always.
Ephedrine is a natural supplement that can have severe side effects. The point of all this is that you have to do your research before using any diet supplement, whether it is herbal or medical in nature.
It is important to remember that most herbal supplements are safe and effective. Just do your homework first. Also, it is true that some of them are effective weight loss agents all by themselves. It is even more effective to combine their use with a change of diet and exercise.
Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting
Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Natural Food Fat Burners.
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Vitalzym - Important Details Before Taking This Systemic Enzyme
By Dedy Suharsono
As you're looking some information on Vitalzym, there're so many information floating around on the internet, some will give you better understanding, others just give you more headaches, and confusions. I know that you try to search for the latest information, and then compare them, which is good, so you'll have enough prior knowledge. This article will give you some more insight answers about it, positive and negative point a views, perhaps will answer your questions whether this Vitalzym is really that effective and safe for you.
Vitalzym is systemic enzyme therapy. They use the term "systemic" because the mix enzymes inside Vitalzym will support throughout your body in every system and organ. And this's different from digestive enzymes that are used to conduct their actions in the stomach to digest food, while systemic enzymes are designed to survive the stomach's acid. This way they pass through the stomach into the intestines, where they are absorbed into the body, that allow the Vitalzym to go to the whole system and organ, and give us full benefits.
In case you don't know, enzymes are the fundamental and essential to human. They do a lot of important things. Without them people will never live. Something that you have to understand, according to the study, when people are over 27 years old, its production start decrease. When it happens, the body tends to have minor break down to your growth, digestion, breathing, reproduction and most other function. It will get worse if you do nothing about that. This is why as we age our wounds heal with thicker, less pliable, weaker and very visible scars.
Some people prefer to use Vitalzym to lowered their pain, instead of using aspirin, ibuprofen, celebrex, viox and the rest of the non steroidial anti inflammatory drugs because of the drug side affects. Another fact is as physicians in the US are now discovering, even old scar tissue can be "eaten away" from surgical wounds, pulmonary fibrosis, and kidney fibrosis even keloid years after their formation using it. There are still many health problems that can be cure using this system.
Is Vitalzym safe ? According to manufacturer it's 100% natural, it's derived from the plant. You need to pay attention to the recommended dosage for your health problem in order to get full benefit from this enzyme therapy, or it won't do you any affects. If you don't know, it's better to consult that with your health physician. Remember to read the warning too, it's so important. It says you can't use the product if you are a hemophiliac or are on prescription blood thinners like coumadin, heparin and plavix.
Since many people have experienced great benefit from Vitalzym systemic enzymes, and perhaps your friend also recommends this enzyme therapy, still it's gonna your own decision because you're the only boss here. The important things are you should take care your own body, do the best for them, willing to do the necessary things so you can live your life best. According to the producer this Vitalzym is definitely for everybody, not just for sick people. Hope this will give you clear explanation and help others who really need Vitalzym.
Would you like some other important details on Vitalzym that you need to understand? Please visit here
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As you're looking some information on Vitalzym, there're so many information floating around on the internet, some will give you better understanding, others just give you more headaches, and confusions. I know that you try to search for the latest information, and then compare them, which is good, so you'll have enough prior knowledge. This article will give you some more insight answers about it, positive and negative point a views, perhaps will answer your questions whether this Vitalzym is really that effective and safe for you.
Vitalzym is systemic enzyme therapy. They use the term "systemic" because the mix enzymes inside Vitalzym will support throughout your body in every system and organ. And this's different from digestive enzymes that are used to conduct their actions in the stomach to digest food, while systemic enzymes are designed to survive the stomach's acid. This way they pass through the stomach into the intestines, where they are absorbed into the body, that allow the Vitalzym to go to the whole system and organ, and give us full benefits.
In case you don't know, enzymes are the fundamental and essential to human. They do a lot of important things. Without them people will never live. Something that you have to understand, according to the study, when people are over 27 years old, its production start decrease. When it happens, the body tends to have minor break down to your growth, digestion, breathing, reproduction and most other function. It will get worse if you do nothing about that. This is why as we age our wounds heal with thicker, less pliable, weaker and very visible scars.
Some people prefer to use Vitalzym to lowered their pain, instead of using aspirin, ibuprofen, celebrex, viox and the rest of the non steroidial anti inflammatory drugs because of the drug side affects. Another fact is as physicians in the US are now discovering, even old scar tissue can be "eaten away" from surgical wounds, pulmonary fibrosis, and kidney fibrosis even keloid years after their formation using it. There are still many health problems that can be cure using this system.
Is Vitalzym safe ? According to manufacturer it's 100% natural, it's derived from the plant. You need to pay attention to the recommended dosage for your health problem in order to get full benefit from this enzyme therapy, or it won't do you any affects. If you don't know, it's better to consult that with your health physician. Remember to read the warning too, it's so important. It says you can't use the product if you are a hemophiliac or are on prescription blood thinners like coumadin, heparin and plavix.
Since many people have experienced great benefit from Vitalzym systemic enzymes, and perhaps your friend also recommends this enzyme therapy, still it's gonna your own decision because you're the only boss here. The important things are you should take care your own body, do the best for them, willing to do the necessary things so you can live your life best. According to the producer this Vitalzym is definitely for everybody, not just for sick people. Hope this will give you clear explanation and help others who really need Vitalzym.
Would you like some other important details on Vitalzym that you need to understand? Please visit here
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What to Know About Easy to Swallow Omega 3 Capsules
By Dan Ho
Almost on a daily basis, we're being told about the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids. Good for the brain, the cardiovascular system, skin, hair, nails....beneficial for specific health ailments like diabetes, weight control, asthma, autoimmune diseases and so forth.
However, a lot of people don't like the taste of fish and have a problem swallowing large pills. Easy to swallow omega 3 capsules are a great way to get more of these essential fatty acids into our diet. If you buy a brand that's not easy to swallow, chances are you won't take it for long. On the other hand, if you expect to take fish by the spoonful like many people do cod liver oil, you well know the taste can be atrocious.
Some products make their fish oil enteric coated. This is entirely unnecessary. Enteric coating is a protective coating that protects the pill from your stomach acid so it doesn't dissolve and become damaged. This allows the nutrients to be released in the bloodstream when it releases the intestines.
For certain nutrients, enteric coating is important but omega 3 fish oils are not one of them.
Enteric coating is also very hard and difficult to swallow. Easy to swallow omega 3 capsules should come as soft gels. These are the squishy, yellow looking capsules. They are pliable making them easy to swallow with a bit of water or juice, and don't tend to scratch the throat when going down.
Also, for kids who can't yet swallow even soft gels, the gelatin capsules can be cut rather easily and the fish oil can be squeezed out and fed a yogurt or other treat works well, and this is a method I have personally used for years to add omega 3 fish oils into my children's diet and give them all the wonderful health benefits associated with these essential fats.
Dan Ho is editor of . Visit us now to learn more about the softgel fish oil capsules we personally take.
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Almost on a daily basis, we're being told about the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids. Good for the brain, the cardiovascular system, skin, hair, nails....beneficial for specific health ailments like diabetes, weight control, asthma, autoimmune diseases and so forth.
However, a lot of people don't like the taste of fish and have a problem swallowing large pills. Easy to swallow omega 3 capsules are a great way to get more of these essential fatty acids into our diet. If you buy a brand that's not easy to swallow, chances are you won't take it for long. On the other hand, if you expect to take fish by the spoonful like many people do cod liver oil, you well know the taste can be atrocious.
Some products make their fish oil enteric coated. This is entirely unnecessary. Enteric coating is a protective coating that protects the pill from your stomach acid so it doesn't dissolve and become damaged. This allows the nutrients to be released in the bloodstream when it releases the intestines.
For certain nutrients, enteric coating is important but omega 3 fish oils are not one of them.
Enteric coating is also very hard and difficult to swallow. Easy to swallow omega 3 capsules should come as soft gels. These are the squishy, yellow looking capsules. They are pliable making them easy to swallow with a bit of water or juice, and don't tend to scratch the throat when going down.
Also, for kids who can't yet swallow even soft gels, the gelatin capsules can be cut rather easily and the fish oil can be squeezed out and fed a yogurt or other treat works well, and this is a method I have personally used for years to add omega 3 fish oils into my children's diet and give them all the wonderful health benefits associated with these essential fats.
Dan Ho is editor of . Visit us now to learn more about the softgel fish oil capsules we personally take.
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Benefits of Taking Vitamin C Supplements
By Fran Mullens
Vitamin C is an amazing antioxidant with numerous benefits associated with taking this supplement. It is required for adrenal gland function healthy gums and tissue repair and growth. It defends our bodies against the damaging effects of pollution as well as aids our bodies in the production of anti-stress hormones and interferon. Our body needs this vitamin for the metabolism of folic acid, phenylalanine and tyrosine.
This important vitamin is believed to reduce high blood pressure. Yet other benefits believed related from taking vitamin C is it may reduce cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis.
More of the benefits of vitamin C include protecting our bodies against infection, cancer, and enhancing our immunity. It increases the body's ability to absorb iron. It is Essential in the formation of collagen and protects against bruising and blood clotting. This vitamin also promotes the healing of bruising and wounds.
Evidence is showing there are benefits from taking vitamin E and vitamin C in combination. They work synergistically. They reinforce and extend each other's antioxidant action. In other words these vitamins work together causing them to have a greater effect than if they work separately. Vitamin C attracts free radicals in biologic fluids while vitamin E scavenges for dangerous free radicals in cell membranes.
Signs of deficiencies of this vitamin include susceptibility to infection especially bronchial infections and colds, joint pains and poor digestion. Other signs of deficiencies of vitamin C include lack of energy, tendency to bruise easily, tooth loss and poor digestion.
A vitamin C deficiency can result in the disease scurvy. This disease is not common in Western countries. Soft spongy bleeding gums, extreme weakness, edema, poor wound healing, and hemorrhages under the skin are all characteristics of scurvy.
Vitamin C must be obtained through one's diet or in the form of supplements. The body cannot manufacture this vitamin. Most of the vitamin consumed in one's diet is lost in the urine.
Individuals who require large amounts because of serious illness like cancer may benefit from taking vitamin C supplement intravenously rather than an oral form. This requires the advice and supervision of their physician.
Serious depletion of vitamin C can be caused by smoking. Other ways levels of the vitamin may be reduced is by consuming alcohol, antidepressants anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, analgesics or steroids.
Those afflicted with chronic illnesses like AIDS or cancer Ester C has been found to be extremely effective and these individuals have benefited from taking the supplements. This is an esterified vitamin C supplement. This is created by having the vitamin react with a necessary mineral like magnesium, calcium, potassium zinc, or sodium. This causes the vitamin to become nonacidic but contains the vitamin's metabolites identical to those produced by the body. It enters the body's tissues and bloodstream four times faster than the standard form of the vitamin. It also stays in the body tissues longer and moves into the blood cells more efficiently. Only one third as much is lost through the urine when vitamin C is supplemented in this esterified form.
Individuals who take aspirin regularly will benefit using an esterified vitamin C supplement. Taking the standard form of the vitamin can result in stomach irritation that may lead to ulcers. For the greatest benefit from vitamin C supplements doses should be divided. Taking the supplements twice a day is more beneficial than taking it just once a day.
Pregnant women should not take doses greater than 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C supplement daily because when the infants are deprived of the megadoses they have become used to, the infants can develop scurvy after birth.
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for your health. At you can find information that can help you learn more about how Vitamin C can help improve your health.
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Vitamin C is an amazing antioxidant with numerous benefits associated with taking this supplement. It is required for adrenal gland function healthy gums and tissue repair and growth. It defends our bodies against the damaging effects of pollution as well as aids our bodies in the production of anti-stress hormones and interferon. Our body needs this vitamin for the metabolism of folic acid, phenylalanine and tyrosine.
This important vitamin is believed to reduce high blood pressure. Yet other benefits believed related from taking vitamin C is it may reduce cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis.
More of the benefits of vitamin C include protecting our bodies against infection, cancer, and enhancing our immunity. It increases the body's ability to absorb iron. It is Essential in the formation of collagen and protects against bruising and blood clotting. This vitamin also promotes the healing of bruising and wounds.
Evidence is showing there are benefits from taking vitamin E and vitamin C in combination. They work synergistically. They reinforce and extend each other's antioxidant action. In other words these vitamins work together causing them to have a greater effect than if they work separately. Vitamin C attracts free radicals in biologic fluids while vitamin E scavenges for dangerous free radicals in cell membranes.
Signs of deficiencies of this vitamin include susceptibility to infection especially bronchial infections and colds, joint pains and poor digestion. Other signs of deficiencies of vitamin C include lack of energy, tendency to bruise easily, tooth loss and poor digestion.
A vitamin C deficiency can result in the disease scurvy. This disease is not common in Western countries. Soft spongy bleeding gums, extreme weakness, edema, poor wound healing, and hemorrhages under the skin are all characteristics of scurvy.
Vitamin C must be obtained through one's diet or in the form of supplements. The body cannot manufacture this vitamin. Most of the vitamin consumed in one's diet is lost in the urine.
Individuals who require large amounts because of serious illness like cancer may benefit from taking vitamin C supplement intravenously rather than an oral form. This requires the advice and supervision of their physician.
Serious depletion of vitamin C can be caused by smoking. Other ways levels of the vitamin may be reduced is by consuming alcohol, antidepressants anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, analgesics or steroids.
Those afflicted with chronic illnesses like AIDS or cancer Ester C has been found to be extremely effective and these individuals have benefited from taking the supplements. This is an esterified vitamin C supplement. This is created by having the vitamin react with a necessary mineral like magnesium, calcium, potassium zinc, or sodium. This causes the vitamin to become nonacidic but contains the vitamin's metabolites identical to those produced by the body. It enters the body's tissues and bloodstream four times faster than the standard form of the vitamin. It also stays in the body tissues longer and moves into the blood cells more efficiently. Only one third as much is lost through the urine when vitamin C is supplemented in this esterified form.
Individuals who take aspirin regularly will benefit using an esterified vitamin C supplement. Taking the standard form of the vitamin can result in stomach irritation that may lead to ulcers. For the greatest benefit from vitamin C supplements doses should be divided. Taking the supplements twice a day is more beneficial than taking it just once a day.
Pregnant women should not take doses greater than 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C supplement daily because when the infants are deprived of the megadoses they have become used to, the infants can develop scurvy after birth.
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin for your health. At you can find information that can help you learn more about how Vitamin C can help improve your health.
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What Are Bioflavonoids And How Can They Improve Your Health?
By Fran Mullens
Bioflavonoids are found in the colored part of grains, vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. They are also referred to as flavenoids. They cannot be produced in our bodies so they must be provided in our diets. They are sometimes referred to as vitamin P. They are not in the strictest sense true vitamins. When taken in combination with vitamin C this nutrient enhances our bodies ability to absorb vitamin C. Hesperetin, hesperidin, and eriodictyol are different types of bioflavonoids. Other types include quercetin, quercetrin and rutin.
These nutrients have been found to help prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals. In recent studies bioflavonoids have shown to be helpful for clotting the blood. This can aid those suffering from phlebitis and other clotting disorders.
A bioflavonoid found in blue green algae quercetin may effectively treat and prevent asthma symptoms. This nutrient has shown to inhibit histamine release from mast cells and the manufacture of allergy related compounds. Quercetin seems to have both a vitamin C sparing effect and a direct stabilizing effect on membranes including mast cells.
Quercetin is also considered a phytoestrogen. That is a plant substance that acts in a way similar to estrogen. Quercetin has been found to have antiestrogenic activity that may lead to reduced risks of some cancers. It has been found to inhibit breast cancer cells in a test tube.
In a study of men with an inflamed prostate, men taking quercetin supplements reported reduced urinary symptoms. Preliminary laboratory research conducted by the Mayo Clinic found it may help with the treatment and possibly the prevention of prostate cancer by blocking male hormones that support the growth of prostate cancer cells.
Bioflavonoids are particularly beneficial for healing athletic injuries. They can relieve pain, bumps, and bruises. Also they can reduce pains located across the back and in the legs. This substance helps lessen symptoms associated with prolonged bleeding and low serum calcium.
Bioflavonoids act synergistically with vitamin C to protect and preserve the structure of capillaries. Taken in combination with vitamin C it is found to help reduce the symptoms of oral herpes. They promote circulation and stimulate bile production. They also have an antibacterial effect and have been found helpful to lower cholestererol levels. This will also aid in the prevention and treatment of cataracts.
Research is suggesting that bioflavonoids may be useful for those with diabetes. It has shown that quercetin helps to promote insulin secretion and found to be forceful inhibitors of sorbitol accumulation.
Food sources containing bioflavonoids include citrus fruits, black currants, buckwheat, and peppers. Other sources include apricots, grapefruits, lemons, prunes and rose hips. Also included would be cherries, grapes, and oranges. Bioflavonoids are also contained in the following herbs: shepherd's purse, chervil, rose hips, and elderberries. Other herbs containing them are horsetail and hawthorn berry.
If bioflavonoids are taken in high doses it might cause diarrhea.
At you can find information that can help you learn more about how minerals and herbs can help improve your health.
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Bioflavonoids are found in the colored part of grains, vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers. They are also referred to as flavenoids. They cannot be produced in our bodies so they must be provided in our diets. They are sometimes referred to as vitamin P. They are not in the strictest sense true vitamins. When taken in combination with vitamin C this nutrient enhances our bodies ability to absorb vitamin C. Hesperetin, hesperidin, and eriodictyol are different types of bioflavonoids. Other types include quercetin, quercetrin and rutin.
These nutrients have been found to help prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals. In recent studies bioflavonoids have shown to be helpful for clotting the blood. This can aid those suffering from phlebitis and other clotting disorders.
A bioflavonoid found in blue green algae quercetin may effectively treat and prevent asthma symptoms. This nutrient has shown to inhibit histamine release from mast cells and the manufacture of allergy related compounds. Quercetin seems to have both a vitamin C sparing effect and a direct stabilizing effect on membranes including mast cells.
Quercetin is also considered a phytoestrogen. That is a plant substance that acts in a way similar to estrogen. Quercetin has been found to have antiestrogenic activity that may lead to reduced risks of some cancers. It has been found to inhibit breast cancer cells in a test tube.
In a study of men with an inflamed prostate, men taking quercetin supplements reported reduced urinary symptoms. Preliminary laboratory research conducted by the Mayo Clinic found it may help with the treatment and possibly the prevention of prostate cancer by blocking male hormones that support the growth of prostate cancer cells.
Bioflavonoids are particularly beneficial for healing athletic injuries. They can relieve pain, bumps, and bruises. Also they can reduce pains located across the back and in the legs. This substance helps lessen symptoms associated with prolonged bleeding and low serum calcium.
Bioflavonoids act synergistically with vitamin C to protect and preserve the structure of capillaries. Taken in combination with vitamin C it is found to help reduce the symptoms of oral herpes. They promote circulation and stimulate bile production. They also have an antibacterial effect and have been found helpful to lower cholestererol levels. This will also aid in the prevention and treatment of cataracts.
Research is suggesting that bioflavonoids may be useful for those with diabetes. It has shown that quercetin helps to promote insulin secretion and found to be forceful inhibitors of sorbitol accumulation.
Food sources containing bioflavonoids include citrus fruits, black currants, buckwheat, and peppers. Other sources include apricots, grapefruits, lemons, prunes and rose hips. Also included would be cherries, grapes, and oranges. Bioflavonoids are also contained in the following herbs: shepherd's purse, chervil, rose hips, and elderberries. Other herbs containing them are horsetail and hawthorn berry.
If bioflavonoids are taken in high doses it might cause diarrhea.
At you can find information that can help you learn more about how minerals and herbs can help improve your health.
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A Powerful Antioxidant - Coenzyme Q10
By Fran Mullens
Coenzyme Q10 may be a more powerful antioxidant than vitamin E. It is a substance not unlike a vitamin. What it will accomplish in the body is similar to that of vitamin E. It is also referred to as ubiquinone. Deficiencies of this substance have been linked to muscular dystrophy, periodontal disease, and diabetes. The presence of this substance in the body decreases with age.
There are ten ordinary substances chosen coenzyme Qs, but coenzyme Q10 is the only one found in human tissue. It stimulates the immune system. It also aids in circulation and increases tissue oxygenation. It also has a vital anti aging effect.
A study conducted over a period of six years by scientists at the University of Texas found people being treaded for congestive heart failure who took coenzyme Q10 in addition to conventional therapy had a seventy five percent chance of survival after three years. There was a twenty five percent survival rate for those using conventional therapy only. This substance was shown in another study conducted by the Center for Adult Diseases in Japan and the University of Texas to be able to lower high blood pressure without dietary change or medication. This substance is proving beneficial in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
Research has shown this substance is beneficial in fighting candidiasis, diabetes, obesity, and multiple sclerosis. Some health care professional are using it to treat abnormalities associated with mental functions like Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia. Coenzyme Q10 has shown to have the ability to counter histamine. This is helpful for people with respiratory disease, allergies, or asthma.
In Japan research has shown coenzyme Q10 protects the stomach lining and duodenum. Their research has also shown it may help heal duodenal ulcers. Many people in Japan take this substance directed by their physicians for treatment of heart disease because it strengthens the heart muscle. It is also being used for treatment of high blood pressure as well as for enhancing the immune system. This substance is widely used in Japan.
Some foods that contain coenzyme Q10 are salmon, mackerel, and sardines. These foods contain the largest amounts of the substance. Beef, spinach, and peanuts also contain it.
It is also available as a dietary substance that may be purchased. Coenzyme Q10 is oil soluble. The body absorbs it best when it is taken with fatty or oily foods such as fish.
The wide variety of vitamin and supplements can be confusing. At you can find information that can help you learn more about how Coenzyme Q10 and other supplements can help improve your health.
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Coenzyme Q10 may be a more powerful antioxidant than vitamin E. It is a substance not unlike a vitamin. What it will accomplish in the body is similar to that of vitamin E. It is also referred to as ubiquinone. Deficiencies of this substance have been linked to muscular dystrophy, periodontal disease, and diabetes. The presence of this substance in the body decreases with age.
There are ten ordinary substances chosen coenzyme Qs, but coenzyme Q10 is the only one found in human tissue. It stimulates the immune system. It also aids in circulation and increases tissue oxygenation. It also has a vital anti aging effect.
A study conducted over a period of six years by scientists at the University of Texas found people being treaded for congestive heart failure who took coenzyme Q10 in addition to conventional therapy had a seventy five percent chance of survival after three years. There was a twenty five percent survival rate for those using conventional therapy only. This substance was shown in another study conducted by the Center for Adult Diseases in Japan and the University of Texas to be able to lower high blood pressure without dietary change or medication. This substance is proving beneficial in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
Research has shown this substance is beneficial in fighting candidiasis, diabetes, obesity, and multiple sclerosis. Some health care professional are using it to treat abnormalities associated with mental functions like Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia. Coenzyme Q10 has shown to have the ability to counter histamine. This is helpful for people with respiratory disease, allergies, or asthma.
In Japan research has shown coenzyme Q10 protects the stomach lining and duodenum. Their research has also shown it may help heal duodenal ulcers. Many people in Japan take this substance directed by their physicians for treatment of heart disease because it strengthens the heart muscle. It is also being used for treatment of high blood pressure as well as for enhancing the immune system. This substance is widely used in Japan.
Some foods that contain coenzyme Q10 are salmon, mackerel, and sardines. These foods contain the largest amounts of the substance. Beef, spinach, and peanuts also contain it.
It is also available as a dietary substance that may be purchased. Coenzyme Q10 is oil soluble. The body absorbs it best when it is taken with fatty or oily foods such as fish.
The wide variety of vitamin and supplements can be confusing. At you can find information that can help you learn more about how Coenzyme Q10 and other supplements can help improve your health.
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Facts About Nutritional Supplement Vitamins
By Fran Mullens
Vitamins are considered micronutrients. They are essential to life. The body needs them in relatively small amounts when we compare them with nutrients such as water, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. They add to good health by assisting the biochemical processes that release energy from digested food and regulating the metabolism. Many people need nutritional supplement vitamins to help our bodies maintain good health.
Some of the major nutritional supplement vitamins our bodies need are water soluble. When they are water soluble they must be taken into the body on a daily basis. These cannot be stored in the body and are excreted from the body in one to four days. They include B complex vitamins and vitamin C.
Other major nutritional supplement vitamins our bodies need are oil soluble. They can be stored in the body for longer periods of time in the liver and fatty tissue. Of these supplemental nutrients you will find vitamins A, D, E, and K. Both oil and water soluble vitamins are necessary for the body to properly function.
Enzymes are catalysts, or activators, in the chemical reactions that are constantly taking place within the body. Enzymes are necessary chemicals that are the foundation for the function of our bodies. Nutritional supplement vitamins work with enzymes as coenzymes in our bodies. They allow all the actions that go on in the body to be conducted as they should for normal, healthy body function.
The U.S. Food and Nutrition Board many years ago instituted what in known as the RDAs or recommended daily allowances for vitamins. This may also be referred to as DVs, daily values or DRI, dietary recommended intake. These are standards that were set for the daily amounts of nutritional supplement vitamins needed for a normally healthy person. Theses amounts give us only the bare minimum required to fight off deficiency diseases like rickets, night blindness, scurvy, and beriberi. These standards do not account for the amounts that are needed by the body to maintain maximum health but instead borderline health.
Nutritional supplement vitamins are available over the counter in many forms and combinations as well as amounts. They are available in liquid, capsule, powder, tablet, gel capsule, lozenge, and sublingual forms. Most of time, this is a matter of personal choice.
It is important to select your nutritional supplement vitamins based on what you really need. These supplements for the most part are available in combination with other nutrients or as an individual supplement.
The wide variety of vitamins and supplements can be confusing. At you can find information that can help you learn more about which nutritional supplement is right for you.
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Vitamins are considered micronutrients. They are essential to life. The body needs them in relatively small amounts when we compare them with nutrients such as water, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. They add to good health by assisting the biochemical processes that release energy from digested food and regulating the metabolism. Many people need nutritional supplement vitamins to help our bodies maintain good health.
Some of the major nutritional supplement vitamins our bodies need are water soluble. When they are water soluble they must be taken into the body on a daily basis. These cannot be stored in the body and are excreted from the body in one to four days. They include B complex vitamins and vitamin C.
Other major nutritional supplement vitamins our bodies need are oil soluble. They can be stored in the body for longer periods of time in the liver and fatty tissue. Of these supplemental nutrients you will find vitamins A, D, E, and K. Both oil and water soluble vitamins are necessary for the body to properly function.
Enzymes are catalysts, or activators, in the chemical reactions that are constantly taking place within the body. Enzymes are necessary chemicals that are the foundation for the function of our bodies. Nutritional supplement vitamins work with enzymes as coenzymes in our bodies. They allow all the actions that go on in the body to be conducted as they should for normal, healthy body function.
The U.S. Food and Nutrition Board many years ago instituted what in known as the RDAs or recommended daily allowances for vitamins. This may also be referred to as DVs, daily values or DRI, dietary recommended intake. These are standards that were set for the daily amounts of nutritional supplement vitamins needed for a normally healthy person. Theses amounts give us only the bare minimum required to fight off deficiency diseases like rickets, night blindness, scurvy, and beriberi. These standards do not account for the amounts that are needed by the body to maintain maximum health but instead borderline health.
Nutritional supplement vitamins are available over the counter in many forms and combinations as well as amounts. They are available in liquid, capsule, powder, tablet, gel capsule, lozenge, and sublingual forms. Most of time, this is a matter of personal choice.
It is important to select your nutritional supplement vitamins based on what you really need. These supplements for the most part are available in combination with other nutrients or as an individual supplement.
The wide variety of vitamins and supplements can be confusing. At you can find information that can help you learn more about which nutritional supplement is right for you.
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Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
By Fran Mullens
When vitamin D is severely deficient in diets it can cause osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children. Individuals suffering from lesser degrees of deficiency of this vitamin in their diet may suffer from a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, weight loss, loss of appetite, visual problems, diarrhea and insomnia.
It is normally found that individuals who suffer from nutrient deficiencies that it is usually a result of impaired absorption and utilization, increased excretion, dietary inadequacy, or increased requirement.
People that are candidates for symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are those who take below recommended levels of the vitamin, those who have limited sunlight exposure and those whose kidney cannot change the vitamin to its active hormone form. Also people at risk for a deficiency are those who cannot adequately absorb the vitamin from their digestive tract. In children severe vitamin D deficiency causes rickets. This is a bone disease where by bone tissue is not properly mineralized. This results in skeletal deformities and soft bones.
Rickets is most commonly caused from lack of sunlight or vitamin D deficient from the diet. It can also occur because of a combination of lack from both.
A reemergence of rickets has resulted in United States in recent years. Exclusive prolonged breastfeeding that does not include vitamin D supplication is believed to be a contributing factor to the reemergence of rickets. Another factor is increased use of day care less outdoor activity and sun exposure. Also extensive use of sunscreens could be contributing to the symptoms seen today in children with severe vitamin D deficiency.
For adults severe vitamin D deficiency may result in osteomalacia. In addition to weakened bones it also causes muscular weakness. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be muscle weakness and bone pain. An accurate diagnosis is by measuring the concentration of a specific form of the vitamin in the blood because in the early stages the symptoms may be slight and go unnoticed.
Some antacids, cholesterol lowering drugs, steroid hormones, and mineral oil may interfere with vitamin D absorption. So can gallbladder and liver malfunctions and as well as intestinal disorders.
Toxicity can result from taking amounts of vitamin D over 65,000 IU (international units) over several years. This vitamin should not be taken without calcium.
The wide variety of symptoms of vitamin deficiency can be confusing. At you can find information that can help you learn more about symptoms of vitamin deficiency and what you need to do to correct it.
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When vitamin D is severely deficient in diets it can cause osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children. Individuals suffering from lesser degrees of deficiency of this vitamin in their diet may suffer from a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, weight loss, loss of appetite, visual problems, diarrhea and insomnia.
It is normally found that individuals who suffer from nutrient deficiencies that it is usually a result of impaired absorption and utilization, increased excretion, dietary inadequacy, or increased requirement.
People that are candidates for symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are those who take below recommended levels of the vitamin, those who have limited sunlight exposure and those whose kidney cannot change the vitamin to its active hormone form. Also people at risk for a deficiency are those who cannot adequately absorb the vitamin from their digestive tract. In children severe vitamin D deficiency causes rickets. This is a bone disease where by bone tissue is not properly mineralized. This results in skeletal deformities and soft bones.
Rickets is most commonly caused from lack of sunlight or vitamin D deficient from the diet. It can also occur because of a combination of lack from both.
A reemergence of rickets has resulted in United States in recent years. Exclusive prolonged breastfeeding that does not include vitamin D supplication is believed to be a contributing factor to the reemergence of rickets. Another factor is increased use of day care less outdoor activity and sun exposure. Also extensive use of sunscreens could be contributing to the symptoms seen today in children with severe vitamin D deficiency.
For adults severe vitamin D deficiency may result in osteomalacia. In addition to weakened bones it also causes muscular weakness. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be muscle weakness and bone pain. An accurate diagnosis is by measuring the concentration of a specific form of the vitamin in the blood because in the early stages the symptoms may be slight and go unnoticed.
Some antacids, cholesterol lowering drugs, steroid hormones, and mineral oil may interfere with vitamin D absorption. So can gallbladder and liver malfunctions and as well as intestinal disorders.
Toxicity can result from taking amounts of vitamin D over 65,000 IU (international units) over several years. This vitamin should not be taken without calcium.
The wide variety of symptoms of vitamin deficiency can be confusing. At you can find information that can help you learn more about symptoms of vitamin deficiency and what you need to do to correct it.
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Vitamin K, A Great Multi Purpose Vitamin
By Fran Mullens
Vitamin K is necessary for synthesis of osteocalcin or the protein in found in bone tissue. This vitamin is also required for the production of prothrombin. This is needed for blood clotting. It also may prevent osteoporosis, a disease of the bone which leads to the increase of bone fracture. If someone is deficient in this nutrient they may suffer from internal bleeding or abnormal bleeding, possibly both.
Vitamin K aids in supporting long life. It aids in converting glucose into glycogen for storage in the liver which promotes healthy liver function. This nutrient plays a vital role in the body's intestines. This vitamin is believed to aid in the prevention of cancers that aim at the inner linings of the organs. This nutrient also may increase resistance to infection in children.
When used together, vitamin K and vitamin C, have been shown effective for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. A study conducted showed ninety one percent of participants in the study had complete remission within seventy two hours when these vitamins were used together. When the vitamins were administered alone the result showed little effect.
Vitamin K is necessary in the production of a molecule that is a powerful inhibitor of kidney stone formation. That may explain the lower incidence of kidney stones for individuals who are vegetarians.
The nutrient gets into the body mainly by synthesis. The body synthesizes it by "friendly" bacteria normally present in healthy intestines. Vitamin K can be found in some foods and herbs. Asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables, liver, rye, soybeans and wheat all contain this vitamin. Other foods include blackstrap molasses, Brussels sprout, cauliflower, egg yolks, oatmeal, and safflower oil. This vitamin can be found in these herbs; alfalfa, kelp, oat straw, and shepherd's purse. Other herbs containing the nutrient are green tea and nettle.
Antobiotics can interfere with the body's ability to absorb vitamin K. Antibiotics also increase the need to supplement the vitamin for one's body. Antibiotics kill bacteria and this vitamin is synthesized by bacteria in our intestines, when we take antibiotics it interferes with this procedure.
Large doses of synthetic vitamin K should not be taken during the last few weeks of pregnancy, because it can lead to a toxic reaction in newborns. In fact, too much vitamin K should not be taken by anyone, because mega-doses of the vitamin can accumulate in the body and cause sweating and flushing.
Vitamin K is an essential vitamin and is included in a good multi vitamin. At you can find information that can help you learn more about how Vitamin K and other supplements can help improve your health.
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Vitamin K is necessary for synthesis of osteocalcin or the protein in found in bone tissue. This vitamin is also required for the production of prothrombin. This is needed for blood clotting. It also may prevent osteoporosis, a disease of the bone which leads to the increase of bone fracture. If someone is deficient in this nutrient they may suffer from internal bleeding or abnormal bleeding, possibly both.
Vitamin K aids in supporting long life. It aids in converting glucose into glycogen for storage in the liver which promotes healthy liver function. This nutrient plays a vital role in the body's intestines. This vitamin is believed to aid in the prevention of cancers that aim at the inner linings of the organs. This nutrient also may increase resistance to infection in children.
When used together, vitamin K and vitamin C, have been shown effective for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. A study conducted showed ninety one percent of participants in the study had complete remission within seventy two hours when these vitamins were used together. When the vitamins were administered alone the result showed little effect.
Vitamin K is necessary in the production of a molecule that is a powerful inhibitor of kidney stone formation. That may explain the lower incidence of kidney stones for individuals who are vegetarians.
The nutrient gets into the body mainly by synthesis. The body synthesizes it by "friendly" bacteria normally present in healthy intestines. Vitamin K can be found in some foods and herbs. Asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, dark green leafy vegetables, liver, rye, soybeans and wheat all contain this vitamin. Other foods include blackstrap molasses, Brussels sprout, cauliflower, egg yolks, oatmeal, and safflower oil. This vitamin can be found in these herbs; alfalfa, kelp, oat straw, and shepherd's purse. Other herbs containing the nutrient are green tea and nettle.
Antobiotics can interfere with the body's ability to absorb vitamin K. Antibiotics also increase the need to supplement the vitamin for one's body. Antibiotics kill bacteria and this vitamin is synthesized by bacteria in our intestines, when we take antibiotics it interferes with this procedure.
Large doses of synthetic vitamin K should not be taken during the last few weeks of pregnancy, because it can lead to a toxic reaction in newborns. In fact, too much vitamin K should not be taken by anyone, because mega-doses of the vitamin can accumulate in the body and cause sweating and flushing.
Vitamin K is an essential vitamin and is included in a good multi vitamin. At you can find information that can help you learn more about how Vitamin K and other supplements can help improve your health.
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Vitamin Supplements and Women's Health
By Fran Mullens
If you are not eating a healthy diet, the first thing you need to do is make necessary improvements for your nutritional needs. Women can also benefit from taking a good multivitamin with iron. Many women of reproductive age are slightly anemic, meaning they have a lower red blood count than they should because of their menstrual cycle every month. This can cause a loss of iron every month.
Women can have a higher blood count when they replace loss of iron by taking a multivitamin supplement with iron. Another benefit from taking such a supplement it can also cause them to have less tiredness and more energy.
Women who have tender breast can find a vitamin E supplement helpful. Women have found taking up to 1,000 IU (international units) per day have relief with this problem. But taking this much of the vitamin some women have found side effects such as becoming irritable, bloated, or having oily skin. Women who have reduced their intake to 400 IU find they still find relief from breast discomfort without the side effects.
Women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome have found vitamin B6 beneficial.
Women over the age of thirty five need to take extra calcium every day. Women from the age of thirty five until menopause need 1,000 mg of calcium every day. 1,500 mg per day is needed after menopause. Women who take estrogen after menopause only need 1,000 mg per day because of the effects of estrogen on their bodies they will not require the extra calcium.
The Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that taking prenatal vitamins for six weeks or longer before getting pregnant offered some protection against neural tube defects in the baby. The key element seems to be folic acid.
Most obstetricians agree it is good for women who are planning to become or are pregnant to take prenatal vitamins. They find women benefit from the additional calcium, folic acid and extra iron during pregnancy. Over the counter prenatal vitamin supplements work fine.
Excessive amounts of vitamins should not be taken. Excessive doses of vitamins A, D, E, and K should be especially avoided. This can be harmful. Disease may result if the vitamins are absorbed in the body's fat and accumulated in large amounts.
Women who will benefit from taking vitamin supplements particularly are people with specific diseases that make vitamin intake necessary, the elderly and often premature infants. Also, those who are inclined to avoid healthy eating habits!
Vitamin Supplements are an important addition to your diet. At you can find information that can help you learn more about which vitamin supplements are beneficial for your health.
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If you are not eating a healthy diet, the first thing you need to do is make necessary improvements for your nutritional needs. Women can also benefit from taking a good multivitamin with iron. Many women of reproductive age are slightly anemic, meaning they have a lower red blood count than they should because of their menstrual cycle every month. This can cause a loss of iron every month.
Women can have a higher blood count when they replace loss of iron by taking a multivitamin supplement with iron. Another benefit from taking such a supplement it can also cause them to have less tiredness and more energy.
Women who have tender breast can find a vitamin E supplement helpful. Women have found taking up to 1,000 IU (international units) per day have relief with this problem. But taking this much of the vitamin some women have found side effects such as becoming irritable, bloated, or having oily skin. Women who have reduced their intake to 400 IU find they still find relief from breast discomfort without the side effects.
Women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome have found vitamin B6 beneficial.
Women over the age of thirty five need to take extra calcium every day. Women from the age of thirty five until menopause need 1,000 mg of calcium every day. 1,500 mg per day is needed after menopause. Women who take estrogen after menopause only need 1,000 mg per day because of the effects of estrogen on their bodies they will not require the extra calcium.
The Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that taking prenatal vitamins for six weeks or longer before getting pregnant offered some protection against neural tube defects in the baby. The key element seems to be folic acid.
Most obstetricians agree it is good for women who are planning to become or are pregnant to take prenatal vitamins. They find women benefit from the additional calcium, folic acid and extra iron during pregnancy. Over the counter prenatal vitamin supplements work fine.
Excessive amounts of vitamins should not be taken. Excessive doses of vitamins A, D, E, and K should be especially avoided. This can be harmful. Disease may result if the vitamins are absorbed in the body's fat and accumulated in large amounts.
Women who will benefit from taking vitamin supplements particularly are people with specific diseases that make vitamin intake necessary, the elderly and often premature infants. Also, those who are inclined to avoid healthy eating habits!
Vitamin Supplements are an important addition to your diet. At you can find information that can help you learn more about which vitamin supplements are beneficial for your health.
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