Thursday, January 24, 2008

Energy Boosters

By Anthony Robbinson

The quickest energy is from carbohydrates. This is the body's first choice in reserve for fuel. Long distance runners or marathon runners load up on carbs pre-race. You store carbohydrates as glycogen in your muscles and your liver.

For quick energy, you want to have glycogen stored and that comes from things like: fresh fruit, pure fruit juice, whole grain cereals, dried fruit, vegetables.

If you're really hungry and you want some quick energy, there's no better choice than eating some fruit. You're going to get your carbohydrates and you're also going to get your fiber and vitamins and minerals.

Sustained Energy Boosters:

A balance of nutrients is really what's going to give you sustained energy because your body digests protein, fats and carbohydrates differently. In other words, you can eat them all at the same time but they are all going to be processed differently. Carbohydrates start being digested in your mouth, protein starts in your stomach and fat doesn't start until it reaches your intestines. That's why foods that are combinations of nutrients give you sustained energy.

Feeling a bit sluggish about midday at work?

Try a quick workout instead of a cup of coffee. The circulation of blood stimulates your body and improves your mood. Try doing the stairs, jumping rope or a quick jaunt around the block. A brisk 10-minute walk not only increased energy, but the effects lasted up to two hours. If you experience fatigue or a dip in energy after lunch, you could take a closer look at your lunch. High-protein lunches appear to produce greater alertness and more focused attention, whereas lunches that are high in fat tend to lead to greater fatigue, sleepiness and distraction. Stay away from the greasy burgers or high fat lunches. Tuna or warm, sliced chicken breast on greens are a great choice for lunch. Also sushi or sashimi are great "eating out" alternatives for lunch. Make sure you drink lots of water throughout the day.


Make sure that you are getting enough vitamins and minerals. Magnesium breaks down glucose for energy

The recommended daily intake of magnesium is around 300 milligrams for women and 350 milligrams for men. To make sure you're getting enough, I would suggest

•Add a handful of almonds, hazelnuts or cashews to your daily diet.

•Increase your intake of whole grains, particularly bran cereal.

•Eat more fish, especially halibut.


Energy boosters via energy drinks and protein bars are also good "pick me ups". Supplements like these usually provide vitamins and minerals along with plenty of protein. There are a large variety of protein bars and drinks. Keep one in your gym bag, desk drawer or purse for a quick grab.

Natural energy boosters:

There are natural ingredients that can also boost your immune system in addition to boosting your energy. Some of those include:


Cayenne is a common pepper well recognized for its benefits to the circulatory system. Cayenne also nourishes the digestive system


Alfalfa is a well-cognized herb to wellness-conscious consumers. It is high in nutrients and is comprised of chlorophyl, which is renowned for its cleansing qualities.

*Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is rich in many nutrients including amino acids. It can assist in vitality and is used by atheletes to keep up their energy.


Because of its high nutrient content, this herb is very beneficial for a wide variety of uses. It helps to nourish the sensory nerves, encephalon membranes, also spinal cord and encephalon tissue. Kelp comprises alginic acid which can assist protect the body against the consequences of radiation. These energizing "super nutrients" are some of the most nutrient-rich matters by nature.


Ginseng can be used for depression and low libido. It can help in overall wellness and by promoting our physical and mental strength


Guarana is very similar to caffeine and hikes the adrenal secreters and stimulates cerebral mathematical functions. It enhances energy and alertness. It has a very similar chemical substance construction to that of caffeine, but releases its energy more slowly into our system which makes it a little better for your system than regular caffeine.


Yohimbe can increase sexual function, bring down anxiety and elevate humor. Because it stimulates the central nervous system, it has been utilized to handle narcolepsy and for weight loss., decreasing fat synthesis, which intends it not only helps in weight loss, but actual fat decrease. Yohimbe is popular with bodybuilders. By stimulating the production of testosterone, it can assist in constructing muscle mass. Be very careful with Yohimbe, as this herb can naturally get your heart racing. Start out with small doses.

As with any type of supplement or herb, check with your doctor before beginning any type of regular ingestion of products or diet and exercise routines. Keep up with yearly physicals. The above statements or products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are solely the opinion of the author. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Article Source:

Anthony Robbinson - EzineArticles Expert Author

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